Chapter 17

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 I can count on one hand the number of times I've been rendered speechless, standing there listening to people debate where Molly should go once she was released from the hospital without any input from her was on the top of that list. The director of the shelter, Caroline, was discussing it with their Crisis Manager, Daryl, while her friends Kathleen and Mary piped in with their opinions. No one even bothered to ask Molly where she wanted to go.

So after an hour of arguing while Molly looked like she was exhausted, no one was more shocked than me when she finally spoke up.

She didn't want to go back to the shelter. He knew it was there now. She didn't want to endanger the rest of the women and children there. Kathleen and Mary lived in a one bedroom apartment in London and were hardly able to bring her there. It has no security. Even though her abuser was in jail, it still wasn't a great spot for her to go.

I cleared my throat when there was a lull in the conversation,

"She could come home with me."

I should have expected everyone to look at me, but for whatever reason it still made me a little nervous when every eye in the room shifted to me.

I blinked a couple times and then kept going,

"I mean...I have a security system that rivals Buckingham Palace. No one knows where I live anyway. You can't get anywhere near the house without showing six forms of ID and even then ya need a background check to get through the gates. The guards are off duty constables. Unless the man is gonna get airlifted in...he can't get anywhere near her."

The room was silent. I didn't know if I'd pissed them off or if they thought I was crazy. From where I sat it was a better option than putting her in some shelter. It was clear they hadn't been effective in this instance.

Caroline and Daryl both finally nodded,

"It's actually not a bad idea." Caroline said.

Daryl kept nodding as he mulled it over,

"He knows about Niall." He pointed out.

"He does." Caroline agreed, "But Niall's house is more secure than anything else. He's a celebrity. Kevin is in jail...but even if he was to get out he'd be crazy to go near Niall's house."

Daryl shrugged,

"I don't think he's getting out. The judge didn't seem too hot on the idea. Especially after we showed pictures."

Caroline glanced at me then,

"Ok then, it's settled."

For the first time since all these people came into her room, Molly's eyes met mine. She smiled weakly and gave a slight nod of her head. I didn't want to leave the room, but I needed to make some phone calls. I excused myself while they discussed the logistics.

I tapped Aiden's number,


Aiden let out a deep sigh,

"Not at all. Just writing up a brief for court later. What's up?"

"Know how you're always givin' me shit for not employin' ya as my lawyer?"

He snickered,


"I need your help, Buddy."


Aiden was on the case as far as making sure Kevin stayed in jail for as long as possible. I told him I'd give him Molly's permission to work on her behalf as soon as we got home. Laura was already texting me numbers for therapists who do house calls. These were people she knew personally so I'd know Molly's recovery was in good hands. I called Julian to let him know I wouldn't make our studio time that morning. And then I called my mom to tell her I loved her. I didn't know why I felt the need to do so, I just did.

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