Chapter 14

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I was surprised to have a fully cooked breakfast waiting for me when I woke up the next morning.  Molly was just finishing the eggs when I walked into the kitchen.  She spooned them onto the plate as she gestured to the table,

"Sit, sit, sit..."

My eyes widened as I laid my hands on her hips and surveyed the counter in front of me that was full of every breakfast food known to man,

"I had all of this in my refrigerator?"

She shrugged,

"Took some digging but I found most of it in here."

I pressed a kiss to the side of her head as I grabbed the plate she'd just made,

"I didn't know you could cook."

"You said something last night about heading to the studio this morning.  So I wanted to send you off with a full stomach."

I frowned.  I didn't want to leave Molly here alone, but Julian promised me it would only be a couple hours and Molly assured me she could fill her time here without me.  She filled her own plate and then sat down next to me,

"What are you doing today anyway?"

I shrugged, my mouth full of bacon,

"Julian wanted to finish up some of the songs we had halfway done.  He's always had an issue with leaving songs half finished."

She giggled,

"Full mouth coupled with the accent and I only got half of that."

I repeated it after I swallowed. 

"What are you plannin' on doin' while I'm gone?"
"I'm gonna rifle through your drawers for secrets."  She could barely finish her sentence she was laughing so hard.

I shot her a look,

"Lemme know what ya find.  Probably forgot most of them myself."

I finished my breakfast, pressed a kiss to her mouth and shook my head as she made jokes about having dinner ready for when I got home and making sure the kids were in bed early so we could have some alone time. 

She was making jokes.  She was at ease.  Considering the things she'd admitted to me last night I considered that a highly good sign. 


Julian was in the middle of a mix when my phone started buzzing in my pocket.  I knew who it was without looking but I was still irritated when I saw Aiden's name on the screen.  I had been dodging his calls for the last four days.  Take the hint, man.  I rolled my eyes as I tapped the answer button and put the phone to my ear,

"Hello?"  I tried as hard as I could to sound as disinterested as possible.

"Finally.  You fall off the face of the earth or something?"
"Somethin' like that.  Been recordin'.  What's up?"
He paused.  The kind of pause that definitely sounded like he was about to drop a bomb.  I heard him take a breath,

"Got...I mean I found...can I come there?  This might be better done in person."

My entire body tensed up.  What the hell was he going to tell me that he couldn't tell me over the phone?  I was positive I didn't wanna know.  Still...

"Sure."  I heard myself answer.

He didn't wait around.  He told me he'd be there in 20 minutes and he hung up. 

I felt like this was a very bad idea. 


When Aiden got there I was in the middle of eating.  He sat down with Julian and I making small talk until we finished.  Julian seemed to sense a private conversation was on the horizon and he made an excuse to leave.  I knew some shit was about to go down when Aiden stood up and locked the door.

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