Chapter 7

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I was startled awake the next morning by pounding on my door. It took me a minute to remember where I was being that I had been in such a deep sleep. I pushed myself up onto my elbows, my eyes focusing slowly as I looked around the room. My heart sank when I realized I was alone in the bed.

I heard the knocking again, shaking myself into my body. I walked towards the door, stopping when I noticed it was still locked. How the hell did she-

"Niall, open the door...I can hear you breathing."


I pulled the door open, glancing around the hallway. Molly was most definitely nowhere to be found. Aiden pushed past me into my room,

"Haven't you slept enough? Geez..."

I closed the door and followed him back into the room. He glanced around before his eyes finally landed on me,

"Laura and I...slept together again." He blurted out.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought he was going to launch into questions about Molly and I. I nodded,

"Oh yeah?"

He lifted his hands into his hair,

"It's like...I dunno what to do anymore."

I folded my arms over my chest,

"Sounds t'me like you're in love with her."

His head snapped in my direction,

"What? Why...why would you say that?"
I shrugged as I sat down on my bed,

"You can't leave each other alone. You're always in each other's faces. Even before we got here."

Aiden stared at me for a moment. He licked his lips as he turned his head. I could see he was thinking so I decided to stay quiet until he'd arrived at a resolution.

He turned back to me,

"She's the most difficult woman I have ever been around."

"Yeah." I agreed.

"She's always upset about something."

"She's never happy."

I raised my eyebrows,


"But I'm in love with her." His shoulders slumped when he said it.

I smiled,

"Ya alright?"
"Yeah. I'm what do I do?"

Honestly, before I met Molly my answer would've been clear. Go tell her. Kiss her. Hug her. Tell her you can't live without her. Because that's the shit we get told to do in movies and on TV and in books. But life doesn't come wrapped in a perfect little bow like that. And I had no idea what to tell him.

I shrugged,

"Reckon ya should try t'find out if she feels the same."

Aiden stared at me, dumbfounded. I couldn't blame him. I was too. What kind of shit advice was that? But it's all I had at the moment. Molly had made me cautious to the point where I was that way about EVERYTHING in life. Including advice.

Aiden nodded,

"I think she does. But she'll never admit it."

I scoffed before I had time to think. I knew that feeling of being in love with a woman who would never admit she felt that way in return. And it was the most helpless feeling in the world.

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