Chapter 21

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Molly had a rough time as we got ready for court the next morning. I could tell her anxiety was doing a number on her, but my mouth being very obviously bruised didn't help either. She felt bad despite my insistence that I was fine.

She kept Henry close as we walked in from the parking lot. I stayed at her pace, slowing when she did and stopping when she did. She swallowed hard as she stared up at the building. I imagined what she must've been thinking or feeling. The man who had terrorized her for years was feet away from her inside that building. I wouldn't have blamed her if she'd have cut and run. But she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and kept walking.

I reached down to take her hand. She flinched a bit, took a moment to look down at our intertwined fingers and then gave me a gentle smile. I was watching our feet walk along the sidewalk when I felt her slow. I looked up just as I heard her gasp. Standing there on the steps of the courthouse was just about every single person she knew.

Kathleen, Riley and Mary were all talking to Amanda and Mark while Lee, Laura and were in a discussion of their own. Natalie and Joseph were talking to Caroline and Daryl. Aiden was just looking at his watch when Laura tapped on his hip. All at once they saw us approaching as they turned towards us.

Molly squeezed my hand as we walked. I released her hand as she was quickly flanked by Kathleen and Amanda, Henry staying right next to her. Aiden fell in next to me,

"How's she doing?"

"She's maintaining."

"What happened to your mouth?" Laura asked, loud enough for Molly to hear.

I saw her flinch but she didn't turn around.

I shot Laura a dirty look,

"Nothing. I'm fine."

Aiden told me he was gonna go talk to the judge. I took my seat next to Molly. I rested my arm on the back of the bench, making sure not to kick Henry at our feet.

She looked over at me,

"Where'd Aiden go?"

"Think he was going to go talk to the judge."

She grabbed my hand immediately when the door opened and Kevin was lead inside.


He looked different than I expected. He was taller than Molly, but still fairly short. He was stocky and looked like he probably had eaten one too many pizzas in his lifetime. He had about a weeks growth of hair on his face. But the thing I noticed the most was he had absolutely no eye color. They were simply black as coal as they stared daggers at Molly until he took his seat.

I felt her shake. It was slight but it was there. I was about to squeeze her hand in reassurance when she squeezed mine instead. I glanced at her just to see if she was alright. Her gaze was held on Kevin. Her eyes drifted to mine and a slight hint of a smile played on her lips.

Kevin was held over until he could be deported back to the United States. He would be held in protective custody until then being that Natalie and Joseph had provided ample evidence of his streak of violence towards Molly. He would be handed over to the authorities in Los Angeles where Natalie had been building a case to keep him in jail when he got there as well. Kevin had been effectively put out of commission. He would be kept in jail for the foreseeable future and away from Molly.


I would meet Natalie and Joseph, the two people responsible for her safe passage to London, on the steps of the courthouse. Natalie hugged Molly,

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