Chapter 18

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Molly would start out in my bedroom every night, but about 30 minutes later I would feel my bed in the guest bedroom shift and she'd be next to me.  I never said anything.  I didn't want her to feel rejected.  In my head, she needed comfort and closeness and I figured I was giving that to her.

She was still asleep when I woke up.  I couldn't resist hovering over her on my hands and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before I ventured into the kitchen to make breakfast.  I was almost done when she padded into the kitchen yawning.  She was wearing my hoodie, her hands hidden by the long sleeves as she covered her mouth,


I smiled,

"Hey.  Sleep well?"

She nodded,

"Like a baby."  She craned her neck to see the spread I'd made, "Wow, expecting a football team for breakfast?"

I blushed.  I was over zealous I guess.  But I wanted her to have every comfort and food was all I knew how to do at the moment,

"Just wanted to make sure you had what you wanted."

She hugged herself into my chest, her arm winding around my waist as she cuddled into me,

"Thank you."

She plated herself some food and then sat down at the table, pulling one of her legs up to wind her arm around her knee.  I sat down next to her with my own food.  We fell into a comfortable silence for a bit until she spoke up,

"Plans for today?"

"Headed to..."  I stopped.  If I told her I was going to see Aiden and Laura it would make her self conscious, "Studio."  I said, half choking on both my bacon and the lie that seemed to so easily come out of my mouth. 

I tried to tell myself I had a good reason.  It didn't make me feel any better.

She perked up a bit,

"  Can't wait to hear what you come up with." 

I wanted to keep the conversation going, but the guilt from lying to her zapped any energy I had to do so.  I felt like I'd just betrayed her.  I abruptly stood up from the table, my plate still half full, and I walked to the sink.  I let out a frustrated sigh as I practically punched the sink on. 

I knew she was watching me, but the frustration won out and I couldn't help it,

"Niall, is something wrong?"
I angrily shook my head,


I felt her close in behind me,

"Are you mad at me?"  When I didn't answer, she rushed on, "I mean, you have every right to be.  I just-"

"Not mad at ya."  I said as I turned around.

She studied my face for a moment before she stepped towards me, her every line now pushed up against my body,

"What's wrong?"  She asked softly.

I wanted to tell her.  I wanted to say that I was worried about her and scared for what she was facing.  I wanted to tell her I was nervous because I didn't know how to help her.  And that I'd lied.  God, I wanted to tell her that I'd lied so bad.  But it was all so incredibly self serving that I kept quiet.  My little head trip was far less severe then what she was going through.

I lifted my hand to her cheek as my eyes met hers.  The comfort I'd always felt whenever we'd looked at each other that way was still there.  While I felt like I'd failed her, she was still there for me.  I shook my head,

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