The mental war

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I am pure and innocent,

But there is a darkness within me.

And there is more darkness then light.

I try to be consumed by the light,

But there are days when I feel like I should just let the darkness consume me.

And sometimes it does,

Sometimes I lose the battle.

But it is a never ending war in my head that constantly rages.

The darkness is free and no longer in cages.

I thought this mental war wasn't over.

I was wrong, so wrong because it was,

And yet I continued on like it was still happening.

I try to seek safety and comfort in the light and yet I never find it there.

I have let the darkness consume me one too many times now.

It is within the darkness that I seek my comfort.

I am no longer pure and innocent.

The darkness is victorious.

The light has lost all hope.

The mental war has been fought,

But its been over for longer than I thought.

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