Assumed lies

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Why do i feel like you're lying? Why do i think you aren't being honest? I ask if i hurt you and you say no and i think you're lying because of all my bullshit you've put up with. Im probably just being paranoid and delusional and stupid. I ask what's wrong with me and you say nothing is wrong.But something is wrong so you have to be lying! Right? I think so. I don't know. I can't get out of my head and you say it's okay, I understand. But do you really? Because you are not in my head. You don't know the horrible things running through my head. You promise not to leave even after all I've done is try to leave because I'm scared! I ask you things because i value your opinion whether i think you are being honest or not! I ask you things because i want to know and if i never wanted to know i would never ask but i do. You wont lie to me, right? You won't leave me alone? Or will you? Will you leave me behind? I hope not because you promised. I assume you lie to me because no one tells me the things you do and sticks to what they say. This is probably all in my head and I'm crazy but these are some of the things running through my mind.

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