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I trusted you
With my heart
I fear it my have been
My greatest mistake
Because I trusted you
And you broke it
You broke my heart
And you didn't even know
That you were the one
Who broke it
You didn't know jack
Until I said something
Because I didn't want
To hurt you
By telling you
That you hurt me
I continue on
Like nothings changed
You're still my best friend
I'm still one of your friends
I pretend that I'm fine
Pretend that you didn't
Break my heart
Pretend like you don't
Continue to do it every day
So I trusted you
And I still trust you
And while you broke my heart
There's still some left of it
And it still belongs to you
I know you don't want it
And that's okay
You know how I feel
Yet for some reason
Even though I was rejected
What's left still belongs to you
And I wish it didn't
Because you broke it
But I don't get a say
In who I love
And yes i love you
Its not just puppy love
Its real and i know im young
What do i know of love
I know that love is when
You want to protect them
You want to comfort them
Be there through thick and thin
Through the dark and the light
You never want them to hurt
And always want them to be happy
Even if you arent that happiness
So i know you dont love me
But i love you
And thats okay
Because you're still in my life
Which is more than i could ask for

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