Nothing left

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No more stars to see
The beauty has been erased
No more waters to swim
All the oceans have been wasted
Wishing I was in a dreamland
Looking at the big red sky
The world is now a cursed wonderland
Abandoned and alone
Stranded in this strange place
Seeing an empty throne
Becoming the leader
The leader of this once fairytale home
Reality says there is nothing left
My mind says it's just a blank canvas
A canvas to make my oasis
Trying to find something
Anything I can use as a basis
Building an empire from scratch
Harder than I ever thought
Should have listened to reality
Listened and left this desolate place
Nothing left of humanity
They tore themselves apart
Their majestic kingdom fell
Fell because they had no heart
Now the kingdom's empty
All that's left is me
There's nothing left

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