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ts 7 am again im still asleep
You come in to wake me up
Being nice and everything
But im so tired so i yell go away
You come back 20 minutes later
Just trying to help me
And im yellin fuck you go away
Turning over and going back to sleep
You never did anything wrong though
But i yelled and im sorry
Its 6 o'clock and just got home from work
You didnt stop at the store like i asked
You say well you didnt do any chores
I get irritated with myself
And i rush to get do them now
You say i dont wanna go back out
I'll go tomorrow okay?
I scream forget it
Spitting your name like venom
Im just frustrated and im sorry
I dont mean to cause problems but i do
Im sorry that i cant control my emotions
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to cause you pain
Im rude and mean because i dont want you to see how i really feel
I dont want you to see me so vulnerable
And reject me for that
So i scream swears at you
All hours of the day
And im sorry for that
I know none of this is an excuse
But its the truth

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