Trusting Strangers

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I trust you, my best friend
But i have issues so i struggle
I don't know why trusting strangers
That you'll never meet is easier
Sometimes i pretend
Pretend your a stranger
So i can open up easier
Its not right, i know
But its the easy thing to do
Because when i don't pretend
I get scared of your reaction to things
If i pretend, then I'm not scared
I can spit things out
And not hide them from you
Trusting friends is hard
Trusting strangers is easy
Why is it like that?
Change it
Reverse it
It should be backwards
Trusting friends is easy
Trusting strangers is hard
Why do i trust strangers?
Maybe my fear of judgement
Fear of losing my closest companion
But my best friend isn't a stranger
I shouldn't be afraid
But i am
Because I'm human
So trusting strangers is the easy thing

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