Chapter ~ 2

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        What does she think of herself? What did she actually wanted to achieve? Embarassing me? Well then, she has easily succeeded, because that's exactly what is happening to me! I've been waiting for her, outside her house for past half an hour and she didn't even bother to even attend my call? What is she? Queen Victoria? Doesn't she have the basic manners of informing a person, whom she has called, about her stupid whereabouts and schedule?

      What exactly happened was, while I reached her home, I came to know that, madam has already left for a mall with her friends. Her parents were getting wrong idea of me falling head over heals for her. Can this get anymore worse? I guess not. I quickly dialled her number to get a response that she would be back anytime soon and I should wait for her at her home. How more ridiculous can she get? All were nerves were pounding to kill her!! Wait! Why am I getting such rage? It isn't normal at all!

       As these thoughts were killing me from inside, the scorching heat is burning me alive from outside. I put on my shades in the hope of preventing myself from the nature's wrath. As a few minutes, which felt like a decade, there came the devil, for whom I had to suffer and experience these. She came towards me with a slow catwalk. What is she trying to do? She wore a body hugging black one piece which came till her mid-thigh.

           Is she not ashamed to have lustful eyes oggling at her? After good 5 minutes of walking with those pointed stool height heels, she was nearing me. At a distant, she froze. Her lower jaw dropped as if it was going to touch the ground. She slowly removed her sunglasses and took shaky steps while her eyes were stuck on something behind me. I gave her a smirk on knowing what was she stunned at. Her eyeballs moved in my direction and she came towards me furiously. "What the actual hell!! What is this doing here? Are out of head!" She said.

              "Nope! Not me! By the way, what's wrong in this Bullock cart? You wanted to Audi to grab everyone's attention right? Let me tell you! This would get you a better response than that car! Trust me!!" I said pinching my throat with wide eyes. She sighed and stomped her foot. "You are so dead in my hands" she said nearing her hands to kill me. I moved back and said, "As far as that's going to make you happy, I'm okay with it baby!" She made an irritated face and went inside her house.

               As soon as she entered, I could hear noises of her shouting. "Amma! Daddy! I can't marry that stupid bubble head!" Eventhough I'm happy that this relationship is broken, I can't deny the fact that I'm totally mad at her for calling me 'bubble head'. She herself is looking like no less than a beggar. This face is commenting me! I face palmed myself and turned towards my life saviour. The bullocks saw me with their innocent faces. Aww! If I could, I would marry one of them instead of this pei (ghost).

                "Yeah! Thank you so much for that bullock cart! You don't even know how much have they helped me!" I thanked the person who gave me this for some time. That too for free! I entered my house only be welcomed by a wrathful face of mom. Yeah Mom! Eventhough she isn't the one who gave me birth, she took care of me more than any blood relation would do. After leaving my orphanage in Trichy, she's the only one who makes me feel home. She was with me in the orphanage too and went against everyone to stay with me.

               "Earth to Abhi! Did you even hear what was I black blabbering? How would you? You have grown above my shoulders na! So you would underestimate me! I deserve it!" She said with tears welled up in her eyes. "Amma what are you talking? You mean the world to me!!" I justified. "If I do mean the world to you, then you wouldn't have disrespectful me in such disgusting way." She said while making a horrific face. Disgusting? "Amma I never liked her! She was chocking my living. How can I spend a life with someone like her?" I said.

                 "If you had so much problem with her, you should have come to me. I would have sorted it out! But rather, you wanted to take her to a hotel room and show your 'so called girlfriend' and...... Is this way have my teachings brought you up?" She said while having her saree near her mouth to muffle up her sobs. What the hell has that idiot made up? "Amma do you believe in her idiotic talks? Have I gone so low that you don't want to believe me?" I said kneeling infront of her.

                She kept her soft palms on my head and said, "No, I don't! Even I didn't like her. But my worries were that, you never found me deserving to share your thoughts with. You had approched Sanjay, but not me! I know he's your close childhood friend, but I'm your mom!! I do have rights to know about your feelings right?! This is the 10th girl you have rejected! Do you even have any idea of getting married and settle down" she poured her feelings out. "Yeah mom, but-" "No ifs and buts Abhi! Atleast not anymore!" She said and got up from her chair and went towards the kitchen. She stopped midway, turned around and said,

"I don't know how or what will you do, but I want to meet my DIL in a week's time"

                Vanakkam Makkals, I hope you are loving the twists and turns going on in the book. Please do support the book as this is totally a different attempt of mine and my friend's. If you like it then smash the vote button!!

    Spread Love, Spread Happiness

Lot's of Love,
Sruthi ;)

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