Chapter ~ 9

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          "We are twin brothers"

Aaradhya's P. O. V.

             What? Is this a new prank of his? He looks exactly like Aashish. Twins do look similar, but to this extent? "Ma'am, I guess even you are confused like a lot others. He's my brother. We both studied in the same school in the beginning. Then I went abroad after my 10th. Aashish told me that our school was in need of funds as it has changed into school for special children. So I thought-" "Sorry?" I interrupted. Now that's a new information. "Pardon?" He asked. "The school has changed?" I posted my doubt.

               "Yeah! It was a normal school before. Don't you know that?" He asked me with uncertainty. Obviously anyone would ask that. After all I am a staff there. "Umm... Actually I am new here. I never knew much about this place. Everyone told me that this was a reputed institution. The rankings were great. So I just applied for it. I never thought of knowing about it's history, except for I knew that this was an old institution." He smiled in response. "That's why I never saw you before. All beautiful and talented girls of this whole locality studied in that school only" He said.

                   God! Have these brothers got their degrees in flirting? So shamelessly they are doing it in public. Looks as if they have too much of experience in this. Maybe because of looking at my annoyed face or by getting the spark in his head, I don't know, He started apologizing. "I never meant what your are thinking. It was just that every girl that aspires to become something in their lives, studied in our school only. That's why I said so. Please don't mistake me." He said. Seems like a genuine request. I just nodded in response.

                     Maybe these two are really brothers. It's just maybe I am the one who's over thinking. I don't think so Aashish is so well mannered to apologise for these things. But I have my doubts still. We were walking along the sections of kids story books. There was a wide range of awesome books. We got 10 editions of each book. We also got some stationary for the children. He gave me the freedom to choose everything.  That's definitely a gentleman attitude. Even I am slowly changing my prejudice over him.

                     "Umm.... What do you do by the way?" I thought of starting a conversation with him so that I could know more about him. Gotcha! I know what you are thinking. 'Love at first sight'. Right? Wrong! Every information gathered need not be a base of attraction. It can also be a base of investigation, which is exactly what I am trying to do. Currently we were at the billing counter, standing in a very long queue. "I am basically a software engineer.  I was working at Infosys, Canada. Recently I was appointed as Vice President of Infosys, Chennai. So I came here." He said with a smile.

                 Man! He seriously has some brains. I smiled in return. "What about you?" He asked. My inner self started their battle again. Should I say? Is he taking advantage of me? What if he too turned out to be like his brother. "It's okay if you don't want to share. I understand. But not fair! You took my information so easily." He said and laughed. As we exited the shop, I couldn't help but reply, "Nothing of that sort. I recently graduated my post graduation in Mathematics. I work as a temporary Maths staff here" I said.

                "Maths? Woah! That has always been my nightmare since my childhood. I was good at everything except for Maths!" He said with astonishment gracefully breaking into a charming smile. Did I just say Charming? Gosh! What has gotten into me. I gave him a small smile in return. "Well I wanted to-..... Oh sorry! I should take this call. Maybe we can meet later. Bye!" He said and left. What? Was that the end of the shopping? Obviously Aaru! But he didn't even ask me for lunch and also it's past lunch time. Somewhere in my heart, I did feel bad for that.

               My stomach started growling really bad. Man! I must grab something now. But with all these luggage? Oh God! I hate my life. I started moving towards the entrance. Now how will I reach school? What if Aashish is waiting there for me? What if- "Hey! Sorry Miss. Aaradhya, I had to leave you there abruptly. It was an urgent call." Abhinav! What a gentleman! And another one is that devil, who doesn't have even an ounce of manners. I smiled and said, "That's okay. I understand. By the way what are you doing here?"

                  "Well to take my car! Where's yours?" He asked. That is when I realised that I was asking a stupid question to him. "Actually your bro-" "Oh yeah! I totally forgot! He asked me to drop you at school as he had to go somewhere. Would you mind if I drop you?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head in negative. He immediately took the bags from my hand and kept in the back seat. "Please do take a seat." He requested with a smile. I nodded and sat in the passenger's seat. I fastened my seat belt and saw him doing the same.

                 "Are we good to go?" He asked. "Yes" I said with a smile. "Mind if I play some music?" He asked. "Is this a stolen car?" I asked him. He seemed to be taken aback. "Umm.. No!" He replied. "Then why are you asking me?" I asked with a smile. He laughed. Laughed his heart out. Man! How soothing it is. It immediately formed a smile on my face. How I wish to see this forever in his face! A dreamy sigh left my lips without my knowledge. Did I just say that?

"Why am I feeling so attracted towards this guy, while I don't even know anything about him!!"

                    Vanakkam Anbu Ullangale!! I know! I know! I am irregular! I accept! But please do understand my Writer's block, my laziness as well as my studies!! 😅😅 But will definitely try and improve myself! I promise 🥺🥺!! Until that, keep commenting about the chapter! I love reading them! Will catch you later!

  Spread love, Spread Happiness!!

Lot's of love,
  Sruthi ;)


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