Asher's Intro

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Okay, let's get one thing straight. I'm not. A surprising beginning? Maybe. Is it cliché? Probably. But, it's a fact and I can't hide from it. I actually stopped hiding from it four years ago. And then I stopped hiding it from my friends, family members, and other assorted homosapiens three years ago. And, gotta life is still pretty much the same.

Now, where am I going with this? What is the purpose of this little story? Well, that my actually a very good question.'s not a coming out story, because that would be boring because I just wrote it down and slid the note to my parents, and just texted the information to my friends. Word caught pretty quickly after that.

It's not a "people don't accept me for who I am" story because they were all basically fine with it. My parents told me they already knew about it a long time ago...which is confusing because I didn't even know about it a long time ago. And my friends were all like, "Y'know, this is kinda like how Ilia came out to Blake in RWBY. Speaking of which, do ya wanna come watch the new episode?" and I obviously said yes. So, that would also be a very boring story. Which I just told you. Boom, story inside of a story.

But, what exactly is this story? Well, I guess it can be abou- Wait! I am so sorry, friends. I just realized. I haven't introduced myself. Hello, I am Asher Hintter. Though, my friends call me Ash....I really wanted to finish that sentence with a quote from Disney's Hercules, spoken by the lovely Megara, but I didn't. Gotta resist the urge to quote Disney. Conceal, don't feel. Don't let them- NO! I gotta stop with the Disney. Anyway, back to what I was saying. What will this story be about? Wait, a brilliant idea has occured to me! (Granted, most of my ideas are brilliant, but that's not the point.) I guess this story could be about how I met Kai a year y'all want to even hear about that?


Great! Well, I guess it started two years after I came out to my friend Sophia. Now that I was gay, she couldn't get enough of it. She was always trying to set me up with guys, or telling me about an LGBTQ rally going on or a Pride March. She couldn't get enough of it. However, I could. Sure, I'm proud to be gay. But, that's not all I am. Being gay is a very small part of my life. Now, that's not to say that the people who make their sexuality the biggest part of them are bad. You do you, boo. I just have a little more to me than that.

Anyway, I am off track. Back to the start of the story. I think I'll start it

"Seriously, Asher. Ya need to gooooo! I'll be there as an ally. I won't leave your side! I just really, really, wanna go with my gay best frieend!" Sophia pleaded. The shortish caramel skinned girl jumped all around me, throwing fliers into my face and using her hands to express her words even more. She was clearly excited. I, on the other hand, just rolled my eyes and kept walking down the sidewalk.

"Sophia, why would I want to go to...," I grabbed the flier from her, skimming the title, "Waterwell's first annual LGBTQ+ pride march?" She looked at me, her hair a mess with her tight, bouncy curls going everywhere. If there was one thing that Sophia was known for, it was her beautiful black, shoulder length bouncy hair.

"Becaaauuuse, you're gay. That's the "G" part of LGBT. And it would be good to show you're pride. You don't do anything gay! Ever! You don't talk like they do, don't dress like they do, don't stare at guys' butts with me, or even say other guys are hot! You're so....booooring!" she huffed. She retied her jean jacket around her waist, making sure her pins she bought from Hot Topic didn't fall from it in the process.

"Well, I'm sorry I don't let my sexuality consume me. And thanks for trying to stereotype me. Very much appreciated," I sniped.

"Well, apology accepted." Sophia grabbed a pin from her jacket and clipped it to my black comfy sweater. "Just...think about it, m'kay?" and with those words, she kissed my cheek and walked up to her house, that I didn't even notice we had arrived to. I looked down at the pin pinned right above my left nipple, and sighed. It, of course, was rainbow striped.

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