Getting Permission

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"It is 3:00 in the morning!! Where in the world were you?!? You could've been dead in a ditch somewhere! Do you want to burden my heart more? Do ya think that a-fib isn't enough for it? Honestly, I should confiscate every single book in your room and take away your night-light. What were you thinking? You are three hours late for curfew! What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sor-"

"I don't want to hear it! Go to your room and get some sleep! You're grounded for the weekend! We'll talk more about it tomorrow. You're lucky it's Friday!" my stepmom yelled. She stood in front of me in her robe, tiredness in her eyes. I'm sure she stayed up all night waiting for me, even when she's aware that staying up too late messes with her a-fib. Knowing this, I just looked at the floor and quickly walked up the stairs to my room. Hurriedly, I closed the door behind me and pressed my back against it.

My stepmom is a very laid-back woman who very rarely loses her temper. I can only count a few times she has ever yelled at me because she was angry, and each time I felt shame and humiliation for having done something to upset this woman. And this time was no different.

I quickly changed into just my pajama pants and hoodie, then hopped into bed. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing. It had been a very unusual night. First a panic attack, then an unexpected entry to a support group, a cute guy drove me home, I got his number, and finally my stepmom is angry with me. Not a usual Friday night... but pretty fracking awesome nonetheless!!! Well, except the first and last parts. Those aren't the most fun things in the world.

I opened my hand and looked at the folded piece of paper. Yep, his number was still there.

...should I text him?

No. That would be way too soon. I would look suspicious, or desperate.

But, who's to say that I would be flirtily texting him? A simple goodnight isn't any harm.

Wait... isn't there a rule to this kinda thing? Aren't you supposed to wait like three days before texting someone after getting their number?

No, that's for crush numbers. Not friend numbers.

But he is a crush...

Yeah, but he doesn't know that. He gave me the number out of friendship.

It doesn't matter. Texting would be a bad idea, and we shouldn't do it.

Fire and Paper Mix: Hey, it's Asher. I was just texting so you would have my number in case you needed it, and to say g'night. Thank you so much for the ride!

...I had done it. It wasn't that hard. Easy really. Super easy. I gave myself a figurative pat on the back and laid down to sleep. And I would have gone to sleep... if it weren't for the fact that he texted back almost immediately!!!

I quickly unlocked my phone and went to our text conversation, causing the Tardis noise to automatically turn off.

Unknown Number: Oh good, I was hoping you would text!

(I looked up and blushed ...he did?)

You left your book in my car and I didn't have your number.


I facepalmed. Obviously, that was a reason to want someone to text. What was I expecting? I needed to calm myself.

Fire and Paper Mix: Oh... sorry. I can be an idiot sometimes. Lol.

(Oh yeah. Good idea. Call yourself an idiot to your crush. You're so smart, Asher!)

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