Pasts and Plans for the Future

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I awoke to the best sensation ever to be experienced. Kai's arm was draped around me, holding me lovingly to his chest. A thin trail of drool connected his shirt with my lips, and I thanked God that I woke up first, so he didn't see. I wiped the side of my mouth and looked up. Kai's face, though bruised and battered, was peaceful, and the warmth that spread from his body was so cozy I had to fight to keep sleep at bay.

Finally, I gathered enough sense to slip out of his grip, slowly, so as not to wake him. Looking around, I saw that a nurse had been by to bring Kai his lunch; it was laying on the small table over to the side. That meant a few hours must've passed, at least. There was still time! Taking one last glance at Kai in his bed, I slinked out of the room, intent on finding a nurse.

What I found was not a nurse.

"Ah, Asher. I wondered when I would see you again. I heard about your little cat nap with Kai," Dr. Jimmy said.

"Oh...yeah. Actually, I am kinda busy and need to go talk to some people. If you don't mind." I smiled sheepishly and continued along the hall. But yesterday flashed through my mind, and I sighed and stopped. "Actually, Doctor, I just want to say I am sorry for snapping at you yesterday. It wasn't right of me. I hope you can forgive me. I also wanted to thank you for keeping Kai safe and patching him up."

The Doctor smiled at me and nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Asher. It was my pleasure."

I returned the smile and made my way to my own room. All of my belongings were piled on the chair where my mother had sat the entire night before. Where she was now, I hadn't the slightest clue. I went over and picked up my phone amid the whatnots on the seat. Luckily, the battery had ample energy. I dialed in the number I needed and waited for the ringtone.

"Asher, what's wrong? Did that doctor do something because I will march myself down there and-"

"Sophia, calm yourself. I need to ask you a favor."


After I made a few more calls, I smiled and walked out. The hospital was busy: doctors, nurses, and patients ambling by on whatever business they had. I rushed headlong into the fray and became a part of the crowd.






I poked my head into the room, sweeping my gaze around. A nurse was laughing and talking with Kai who was now awake and smiling. He looked well rested and happy. You never would have guessed his unhappiness yesterday, or any pain from his injuries. His cuts and bruises were still slightly fresh looking, but his smile warmed his whole face, making it look as sweet as ever.

I knocked on the door frame. "Knock knock. Am I interrupting anything? Can I be in here or do I need to come back later?" I asked the nurse.

She smiled and waved my words off. "Oh no, you're fine. I was just telling Kai about his medicine that he can pick up at the local pharmacy and all of that stuff. Well, Kai," she turned back to him, "I'll be back later to check on you."

Kai nodded and thanked her kindly. Then his attention was turned over to me. "There you are. I wondered where you went," he said quietly. He looked hurt.

"I'm sorry, Kai. I didn't want to wake you up. You really needed rest," I said. I sat down beside him and took his hand. A soft smile adorned my face.

"But why did you leave at all? Couldn't you have... I don't know, stayed in bed with me?" The words left his mouth and not two seconds after he looked down shyly. I have to admit that my cheeks were a little tinted as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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