An Interesting Sunday Pt. 2

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“Why’d you have to go and do that, Sophia?” I whined as we got into the car.

“Because I know it’s going to make you really uncomfortable. And while we’re asking questions, mister secret keeper, why didn’t you tell me about this supposed support group you are a part of? We made a pact when we were eleven, remember?”

I sighed. “Yes, I remember.”

“It was a pact to never keep secrets from each other. Now, when it was about your sexuality I understood. You needed time to understand and get to know yourself better before you could just open up about it. But a support group isn’t something that should be kept hidden. So, tell me everything.” She stared at me expectantly. I stared into her beautiful chocolate colored eyes and felt shame fill my very core. How could I keep a secret from such a wonderful human being?

“Well, it all started last Friday…”


Sophia had a weird look on her face. I stared at her, checking her reaction. I had just finished my retelling of this weekend as we drove to pick up the pizza, and I couldn’t exactly tell what was going on in her head.

“So...after I ask you multiple times to go to some kind of LGBTQ+ thing with me, you finally go...alone?!?!?” she finally burst out. I smiled a little.

“It’s not like it was planned or anything. It just kinda...happened.”

“Like this thing with Kai just kinda happened?” she said with a smirked. I could feel the warm blush forming over my cheeks.

“No because there isn’t a ‘thing’ with Kai. He’s a friend. Nothing more.” The words felt red hot as I spoke them and afterwards my mouth felt nasty and burned. “You know my policy. It’s way, way, way too early to even be thinking of a relationship.”

“Mhm,” was the only response I got for a few minutes. “So, do you see anything happening between you two in the future?” she finally asked.

“If that’s where it leads eventually, then I’m okay with that. Like I said, it’s too early. But, to answer your question a little better, I do see some very good qualities in him. He’s sweet and caring and kind, but he’s also just a friend.” She seemed satisfied with my answer and the drive continued in comfortable silence.

When we arrived there were three more cars there than usual.
“I don’t see why we had to invite him to the pizza party,” I mumbled as we passed his red car, both of our arms burdened with plastic shopping bags.

“I already answered that question. Plus, what better time to assess this new suitor for my best friend than with the other girls and Auntie Sweets there?” Sophia answered as we walked to the front door.

“He’s not a suitor!!!” Nasty, filthy words.


“Oh, Stop doing that!” I snapped. She smiled cheekily and opened the door.

“Hi, hon! Did you get everything we need for Bubbles and Roli?” Mom asked immediately, looking up from a conversation with the guests.

“Yeperdoodles,” I said as I quickly raced for the kitchen. My arms were in pain from the weight of the bags.

“Hi, Auntie Sweets!”

“Well hello there, Soph. How are you, babe? Staying safe, hopefully. I hope Asher didn’t give you too much trouble.”

I popped my head in from the kitchen doorway. “Ha! Me being the one that’s giving trouble? That’s funny, Mom.” Sophia laughed and playfully bumped my shoulder as she walked into the kitchen to set the bags she was carrying down.

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