A Wrong Leads To A Right

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I looked up as rain fell like bullets onto my head. I had forgotten my hoodie this morning and only had a t-shirt on… Not my smartest move.

I usually walked home from work, so Sophia wasn’t in the parking lot when I came out. I grabbed my phone and sent her a quick text.

Phoenix Remains: Soooph, saaaave meeeee from this deluuuuge!!!!

S.S. Summers: Caaaaan’t. Gotta take Noah to a friend’s house!

Phoenix Remains: Can’t you pick me up while taking your brother to his friend’s???

S.S. Summers: Nope, I’m already headed to our destination and it’s on the other side of town. Sorry, Charlie. Also, quit making me text and drive. Don’t you know it’s dangerous!

Phoenix Remains: Only too well.

S.S. Summers: ….sorry

I groaned in frustration and put my phone in my pocket before walking faster down the road. It had been nice and sunny all day… what happened????

Shivers started overtaking my limbs about halfway through my walk. Damn, rain was cold. My clothes were sopping wet and I bet my bag was soaked through. I could feel the damp settling into my bones and all I could do was hunch my shoulders and quicken my pace. Just when I was about to start running altogether, the honk of a car’s horn made me jump. Turning around, I saw a familiar red car pull up. Kai rolled down the passenger window and smiled.

“Heard you needed a ride!”


“How did you even know?” I asked as I sat hunched in the passenger seat. Water dripped from my clothes and caused guilt to flare up inside of my stomach. Kai had laid towels on the seat cushion and back, but they were a poor defense against my soaked clothes.

“Sophia sent me a text. Said that you needed a ride quickly. Once I saw how hard it was pouring, I got in my car immediately. Sorry I took so long,” he replied.

“You didn’t even have to come in the first place, so please don’t apologize. I should be thanking you ten times over.”

“Nah, it’s what friends are for,” He said with a smile. He glanced over at me, then turned his eyes to the road, biting his lip. “Speaking of which… Asher, there’s something that… I wanted to ask you… Asher, I really li-”

“ACHOO!” The sneeze pounded through my head. I sneezed again into my elbow. Afterwards, I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. “Ohmygoid, my head is pounding,” I mumbled.

“How long were you out in that rain?” Kai asked worriedly.

“Only like… twenty minutes…”

“We’re getting you home now.”

We drove in silence that was only interrupted by more sneezing the rest of the way. I wanted to think about what Kai had said before, but my head wouldn’t allow me to concentrate on anything. I kept my eyes closed for the entire ride.

When we got home, Kai grabbed my bag for me, and walked me to the front door. Mom opened it and exclaimed in horror, “Asher, you look terrible!”

I just stared at her. “Thanks, that makes me feel so much better about myself, Mother.”

“Shush up. You need to go change clothes and get under some nice warm blankets. Go lay down. Now!” Mom ushered me up the stairs. I turned and gave Kai a quick wave, but he only just stared after me sadly. As I walked up the stairs and rounded the corner into the hallway, I heard Mom invite him in, and force him to when he declined politely, saying, “A boy can’t be out driving in that downpour. Here, I’ll make you some hot chocolate!”

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