New Friends?

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Picture of Asher ^

"Hello, everyone. Mah names Lilly-" the southern lady said as she walked to the center of the chair circle. "-and this is Miribelle," she said, pointing at the pamphlet lady.

"Hello," the pamphlet la-... Miribelle said.

"They're together!!!," a girl a little bit older than me, with a pink stripe in her hair, exclaimed happily.

"Together? Yes," Lilly confirmed.

"It is still adorable even now!!!" sounded from a boy a little bit older than me, with a pink stripe in his hair. He was sitting in the chair beside the Pink Stripe Girl. I was pretty sure they were siblings. The Pink Stripe Twins.

I giggled at that thought. Unfortunately, everyone had really good hearing... and all eyes turned to me. I looked down and waited for the stares to stop and the talking to commence again.

"So, pum'kins, why don't we go around the circle and tell each other our names and, if you are comfortable, why you're here? Hmm? Especially since we have some new faces." We all nodded at Lilly's request. "Lovely! Okay, well let's start on this side of the circle. So, you." She pointed at a blonde girl wearing pigtails.

"Oh... okay...," the girl said. Lilly smiled warmly at her and motioned for her to continue. "My name is Abigail. I am lesbian and I am here because I... I just really need support right now. And this sounded like the place to go." Abigail looked down shyly as she said the last part. Lilly's face went soft and she walked over to Abigail.

"And it is. This place was made to help anyone who needs it. This is a place of safety, friendship, and security. Here, you are safe. Remember that. If any of you need a place to go, come to us. Miribelle and I live in the place upstairs and these doors are never closed," Lilly said, putting a hand on Abigail's shoulder, and looking around at all of us. Abigail nodded and smiled a little at the woman.

The next one was an Asian boy with black hair. He cleared his throat and spoke in a steady voice. "Hello. My name is Kai. I am pansexual. I came here because I was just looking for some friends that would understand." He smiled and sat back a little. I stared at him. He was breathtakingly beautiful and had this kind aura around him. It took a couple seconds before I realized he was looking back at me. I smiled shyly at him and he just looked around at the others before settling his gaze on me again. My smile faded and I looked around.

Everyone was staring at me... it was my turn.

My cheeks flushed and I looked away from Kai, seeing him grin out of the corner of my eye. I didn't know what to say, so, out of reflex, I did the only thing my brain could think of. "Salutations!!"

The Pink Stripe Twins were set off into a fit of giggles. I looked over at them and smiled a little.

"Penny from RWBY, right?" the girl asked. I nodded and felt a little more comfortable. Glad someone got the reference.

"Um, yeah. Last year I used to say it every time I entered a classroom. I still answer the phone with it. Um, anyway, my name's Asher. I am gay. I'm here because... my friend is always pushing me to try things like this, so I am," I lied. I decided that the truth may not have been the best option there. Lilly smiled at me.

"Welcome, Asher, Kai, and Abigail. It's always nice to have some new faces around here. Not that yours aren't nice," she said to the rest of the group with a smirk. Everyone else must be regulars, I thought.

"Mmmhmm. Well, I guess it's my turn," the Pink Stripe Girl exclaimed. "Hi!! My name is Ria! I'm bisexual and I am not a newcomer here. I come here because I love these two-" she pointed at Lilly and Miribelle, "-and all of the people I have met here!" Ria smiled and sat back, crossing her legs.

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