The Hospital

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I don't remember much. The crash was loud and I recall being thrown forward. Something exploded out of the console and smashed me back into my seat. My face burned and ached miserably. I thought I heard Kai's voice yell something, but I wasn't sure. I just remember pain. The left side of my face felt like it was on fire and my head was pounding.

A grip on my arm made me look around. I didn't know how long it had been before the paramedic pulled me out of the car and onto the side of the road. We could have crashed ten minutes go, or thirty. We.... we....


I looked around, yelling his name. The paramedic told me to stop and be quiet, but how could I? My voice reverberated across the street, but the familiar voice I was searching for didn't answer. My mind was racing as fast as it could. I dazedly tried to stand, but my body resisted, and a hand held me down.


I turned hoping to see his trademark smile and hear his warm voice tell me it would all be fine. But it was just that paramedic. The damn paramedic who told me to stay still.

"Your friend is in the ambulance. You're next. Now, I need you to calm down. It'll all be fine. I promise," she assured.

My mind laughed in its tired, shot phase. Ha! I don't want to hear that from you. But I did what she wanted. My face stung and my body ached and my mind was worn and...I was gone.

My eyes opened to bright lights and people standing around me. It took me a few minutes too understand what was happening. Then it hit.

"Where is he?!? How is he?! Kai?!?! Kai?!?!" I yelled, trying to get up. The people scrambled to my side, holding me down. Why was everyone trying to keep me from seeing if he was okay? "Stop! Stop it! Let me go! Let me go see! Please, just f*cking let me see him!" I yelled out. My voice broke and my eyes blurred from my tears.

"He's okay. I need you to calm down. You can see him in a bit. Don't you worry. Your friend is fi-"

"ASHER!!! Oh, my baby! What happened? How are you feeling? Are you okay? Well, of course you're not okay! Goodness, I was so scared!" My Mother rushed into the room. She bustled straight for the bed and enveloped me in a hug before letting go just as quick. "I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?" Her words were laced with concern and worry.

"I'm fine, Mom. I just...hurt in places. My face is the worst," I responded.

"Well, young man... You see, in the accident the airbag deployed and hit you very hard. You have burns on the left side of your face and a few bruises here and there. That's what the bandage is for," The doctor interjected.

I raised my fingers to my face and touched the rough fabric covering half of it. How did I not notice that?

"The girls are on their way. I told them what happened," Mother said, taking my hand.

"Okay... How's Kai?" I asked. My mind seemed to be going half as fast as usual.

"I don't know, luv. I came here immediately when I was told. How is Kai, Jimmy?" she asked the doctor.

"He'll be okay. He-"

"I didn't ask how he'll be, I asked how he is right now!" I snapped, my temper flaring.

"Asher!" My mother exclaimed.

"It's quite alright, his emotions must be running on high." He walked over closer and sat down, perched on my hospital bed. "Kai is doing good, Asher. He broke his leg, however. He also had a cut inflicted on his right side which we stitched up. He is fine, and will be also. You can see him if you want later."

My Little Angel (#WattPride)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon