An Unexpected Detour

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"Hey, Mom! I'm going to my room! I think I'mma go to Maria's later!" I yelled across the house. An immediate, "Okay, Ash. Be back by midnight!" followed.

"Okay!" I hollered back. After, I went into my room and quietly closed the door, sighing happily as I looked around. The portrait of familiarity that greeted my eyes was pleasing to the senses. The dark blue color of the room gave it a homey, cozy feeling without being too dark and depressing. The tall bookshelves that lined every wall gave off the comforting smell of old paper and books -A smell that has become very dear to me-. The bed was placed at the far end of my small room, one corner of the dark blue blanket peeled back, ready for my need of it. A simple lamp setting on the simple nightstand beside the bed gave off a dull, yellow light.

I frowned. "Must've left it on this morning. Whoops." I walked over to the lamp and pulled the metal string, the bulb going dark... along with the room. "Nu, nu, nu, nu!" I gibbered, pulling the string once more, the light returning. In an attempt to calm my over-beating heart, I pressed my hand to my chest. Long slow breaths escaped my mouth. "That...was not one of your brightest ideas, Asher," I mumbled. I walked over to the sitting ledge that was my windowsill.

My dad and stepmom had installed it when I was eleven. It was dark blue and made of smooth wood, except the ends, each of which had beanbag-like seats built in. Good for cuddling up to yourself and reading, or study time with a friend: the flat wood in-between the bean bags working great as a place to write.

I sank into the left beanbag seat, staring at the drawn shades over my window.


Looking around, I finally found it lying on the floor: my favorite hoodie. I had it custom made earlier that year. It was a dark grey, except for the two columns of symbols down the front. The left column contained, from top to bottom: a blue Tardis, a brown J.R.R. Tolkien symbol, and The Mad Hatter's green hat with a tea cup sitting on top of it. The right column had a black Deathly Hallows symbol, a blue trident, and a red RWBY rose symbol. In-between these two column, making their own, were the words:

"If You

Don't Know

What These

Stand For...

Don't Talk

To Me."

It has been my favorite piece of clothing since I got it.

I stood up and pulled it over my head, smiling as the bottom went all the down to my knees. I had ordered it extra, extra large on purpose.

"Now this, this is comfort," I sighed. I closed my eyes, and was starting to doze off, when a loud whirring noise erupted from my pocket. My eyes immediately snapped open and I reached for my phone, turning off my Tardis sound effect that I use for notifications. So I'm a nerd. Sue me.

My Little M&M: Ash, dude, are you gonna come over here, or am I gonna have to watch these movies by myself

I chuckled and quickly typed a reply.

Fire And Paper Mix: Um...what movies again?

My Little M&M: I am gonna hit you in the head with a frying pan. We're watching my Claymation/Stop motion whatever the hell they're called collection

Fire And Paper Mix: Oh yeeeaaahhhhhh. Okay, I'll be there really quick. Just let me gather my shtuff.

My Little M&M: Hurry your arse up

I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket before going to the outlet beside my bed and grabbing my charger. On a last thought, I grabbed the book I was reading the night before and stuffed it in the large pocket across the bottom front of my hoodie. I smiled as I felt it knocking against my knees every time I walked.

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