Chapter 2: My out of control friends [Edited]

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"C'mooooooooooon Ryuu!!!!!" Ino complained again as we all sat in our favorite cafe, The Rising Dragon.

"Ino, I told you I don't want to make a big deal over my birthday party!" I told her sipping my cappuccino, decap cause my big brother won't let me have real coffee, something about me having to many sugar highs.

"But it's your BIRTHDAY!!!! You know the day of you birth. We HAVE to celebrate it!!!!!" Ino continued to press on.

"I-I a-agree, Ry-chan......." Hinata piped up, I looked at her and I saw a depth of kindess in her periwinkle eyes, thats all it took for me to crack, but before I could all me friends threw in their opinions.

"Yeah! You gotta, dattebayo!" Naruto yelled, causing the waitress and bartender to send icey glares at him.

"Hai! It's your Sweet Sixteen!!!! It's gotta be sweet!!!!!" Sakura added flipping her long hair over her shoulder as it fell into her face, she smiled brightly at me.

"C'mon Ry-chan. Not just for you but for us." TenTen added, "We want to see you having a good time!" Temari saved her

"OK, OK!!" I held my hands up in surrender, "We can have a big party...." Everyone cheered, "Hey Naruto you know whats funny"


"All the girls tried to persuade me and your the only guy who did." I pointed out, "Does that make you one of the girls?"

Everyone started to crack up, I think I even saw Gaara snicker.

"Hey! I'm one of the guys, Dattebayo!" He stood up and pointed at all the guys and himself.

"Naruto, sit down your getting more glares from the workers." Neji ordered calmly.

"I agree, I don't want to get kicked out, so please will you sit down." Sai smilled, though it looked like he'd rather glare at Naruto.

I sighed, and pulled on his sleeve, "Come on, sit." I said my head was beginning to throb, then Ino started rabbling on about decorations and food.

"You don't look to excited, bout this party." Kiba whispered in my ear.

"Hai, I'm doing it more for them." I whispered back

He chuckled, "I see, caring as always." He laced his fingers with me.

Another thing I forgot to mention, Kiba is my boyfriend, we've been dating for 6 monthes.

I smiled a little and squeezed his hand, I felt someone glaring at the back of my head, Probably the waitress if she's got something againest PDA it's not gonna be pretty.

(A/N: OK I'm changing it so that instead of Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior; It's Genin, Chunin, Jonin, then Anbu. Get it so enjoy the story, but im still having them be ninjas and stuff XD)


I watched her and Kiba hold hands, I hated how she smiled as he hung all over her. I was over dening that I liked her, it's been a while, the beginning of our 3rd grade year.


"Did ya hear about the Uchuu massacre?" The boy who sat infront of Sasuke, said to his friend.

"Yeah, it's awful. The girl is our age and she has an older brother, right?" she asked

"Hai, did ya also hear her little brother went missing?" He said

"No, really?" she asked sincerely

"I feel so bad, I mean with the Uchiha massacre and now the Uchuu's!!!" the boy said

The room fell silent as Ryuu Uchuu walked, she had bandages wrapped around her torso and shoulder, and patches of gauze on her forehead and cheek. She looked at everyone then smiled, "Hey everyone, whats with all the long faces?" she asked her voice light and happy

Her friend Ino and Sakura rushed up to her and began murmuring to her she just laughed and waved them off and went to her seat, 3 rows to my left but in the same place as me 2 after the front row.

"But Ryuu? How can you be so happy?!?" Ino finally raised her voice

"I'm not..." Ryuu's face darkened, "I miss them with all me heart, but they wouldn't want me to sit around and mope, I know my parents would want me to be happy." Her eyes started to pool with tears, "So thats what I'm doing, I'm living life for them." She smiled even as the tears began to gush from her eyes.


I realized that she understood how I felt, though thankfully she reacted differently then I did. She decided to be happy and live life for her clan. I decided to take the path of revenge and to avenge my clan by killing my brother, and I won't stop till I do.

"Hey, Sas-gay!!!!!!" Naruto yelled

"Hn." I answered

"Aren't ya listenin?!?" He shouted again

"Hn. No." I said shortly

"Aren't ya coming to Ryuu's birthday party?!? It's gonna be at Temari's house!!!!" He said obviously excited.

"Sure, whatever" I answered, I could feel her eyes on me, and I felt her smile

"Great! I'm so happy everyone is going!!" She said, clapping her hands excitedly, smiling at all her frineds, including me. A warm feeling spread through my insides when she made it clear I was one of her friends.

"Hey, Naruto...." I looked at him


"If you ever call me that again, I'll kill you." I said as I laid down the money for my tea and left.


I watched as Sasuke left, his absence made me feel sad. But Ino interuppted my thoughts.

"OOOOOHHH!!!! Tatsu!!! What are you doing here?!?" Sakura squealed with joy, waving at my brother. I turned around and smiled, half cause my brother was here and half cause I knew Sakura has a thing for him.

"Oniisan!!! what are you doing here?" I asked happily, I barely see him now that he joined the Anbu black ops.

"The Hokage wishes to see us both." He said, concern writien his features, which means it must be bad for him to show emotions. Then his eyes fell on me and Kiba's intertwined fingers, and his expression changed, "Kiba-kun, I'd advise you to release my sisters hand." I blushed and Kiba looked a little scared but angry.

I smiled and looked at all my friends, "Gomen, But I guess I have to leave." I got up and kissed Kiba on the cheek, "Sayonara!!!" I waved and left the cafe.


I began sweating nervously as we walked into the Hokage's office, Tsunade-sama sat in a chair waiting for us. I smiled, but it looked more like a strained grimace.

"No need to be nervous Ryuu. I've heard that you wish to skip your education courses and go into your shinobi classes." She said, cutting right to the point.

"Hai, but it's just me complaining I meant no disrespect, ma'am." I said, cutting emotion from my voice, I've learned to by watching Tatsu.

"It's not that I took it as disrespect, It's that you have amazing talents, and I wish to use them in the Anbu Black Ops." She said, looking at me intensly.

"W-what do you mean, you have Tatsu and he's way more stronger them me." I said, my voice stuttered losing its emotionlessness.

I watched her sigh and then look at him then straight at me, "I want you, Ryuu Uchuu, to join the Anbu Black Ops, along side your brother, the captin, and you as the second in command."


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