Chapter 7: Before the Party

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~WHOOO ITS TIME TO PAR-TAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY :-)~

Me, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Hinata were all at Temari's place (thats were they were holding the party), I was helping with the cooking and decorating, despite they're protests againest me helping. Sakura, Ino, and Tenten went crazy with the streamers and the balloons. Hinata and I started cooking a whole bunch [and I mean A WHOLE BUNCH] of rice balls, Ramen, fried rice, eggrolls, and everything else you could ever think of. Kankuro, Temari's older brother, came back from the store and walked into the kitchen.

"Where do I put the drinks?" He asked.

"Put it on the table." Hinata instructed, you'd think she'd be shy, but nope Hinata is by no means shy when she's in the zone and her zone is cooking.

Kankuro took out all the drinks and put them at the end of the row of billions of food. I looked at what Kankuro baught as the drinks and anime fell, my leg twitching like I was electrocuted. Most of it was sake!?

"What in the love of all that keeps us sane!!!! Kankuro!?!?" I yelled as I picked a bottle up.

"Hey...We're all young adults and we know how to control ourselves...Well at least most of us." Kankuro said and smiled, eyeing Naruto from the corner of my eye he had anime hearts in his eyes. I sweatdropped, "Ramen and Sake.....a horrible combination with Naruto in the room."

I shook my head as I continued helping Hinata, until she shooed me out so that she could cook my cake.

Meanwhile...SAKURA'S POV

Me and Ino told Temari some games they should play.

"Oh and make sure to play spin the bottle and truth or dare!" I said excitedly.

"Uhh...okay...Is there a plan behind it though?" Temari asked.

"Well Sasuke's not that much of a jerk as we thought. He's actually being nicer to Ryuu and we notcied that they have a 'thing' for each other. Now Ryuu...She would never ask someone out and Sasuke...Sasuke's just Sasuke....You know he won't do it...So they need someone to do it for them..." I stopped and smiled evily.

"And thats why we're here." Ino said evily.

Temari smiled and jumped excitedly.

"Oh! Oh! Tell me the plan!! I wanna know every little detail and trick your gonna use!!" Temari said.

"Okay well in spin the starts off as a simple kiss and then....when Ryuu gets Sasuke or vice versa...We change the rules a bit to make it more 'exciting' and change the game to 10 minutes in heaven...If that doesn't work than we more to plan B...." I said and let Ino explain plan B.

"Plan B is that we all sit in a circle and play truth or dare. Once Sasuke or Ryuu choose dare we dare them to do something with one another...Whatever it is..It doesn't long as it has something on them noticing their true feelings for one another...You know Ryuu...She's really retarted when it comes to love." Ino said, raising an eyebrow and looking over at Ryuu who just left to kitchen and is currently telling Naruto to 'cool it on the drinks'.

Temari laughed.

"Yah...I love her and all but she's REALLY slow when it comes to love." Temari said.

"If those doesn't work than were gunna get Ryuu drunk and hope she says something to Sasuke that will make him want to go out with her...But we have to keep a REALLY close eye on her." I said.

"What happened?" TenTen said as she wiped her hands on a rag, finished cleaning out the living room.

Temari explained their plan to get Ryuu and Sasuke together and Tenten quickly squealed and jumped in joy.

"I love playing match maker!" TenTen said happily.

Thankfully, They were upstairs so Ryuu and Hinata didn't hear a thing.

"Does Hinata know?" TenTen asked.

"Ya. But we gotta do something about that jerk, Kiba. Right?" I asked.

"Way." Ino said.

"I don't know what we should do with Kiba...Lets just try to keep him away from Ryuu for right now....He could ruin the whole plan..." I said.

"Got it." Temari, Tenten, and Ino said in unison.

Meanwhile...RYUU'S POV

Hinata finally finished my cake and, she saw through my plan to sneak in to get a peek and she hide it in the fridge, and posted a guard so that I couldn't sneak in later and look. But I saw the ingredients still out and I could tell she made my favorite. The topping was made of milk so it gave the cake the sweet and creamy taste without all the fat, and there was cut up strawberries, kiwis, and bannas so that meant she put my favorite fruits on it, and there was purple frosting out.

"Omigosh!!!! I haven't seen it yet but I already know its gonna be amazing!!!!!!!!" I yelled, hugging the life out of poor Hinata.

Sakura, Ino, and TenTen walked down the stairs and looked at the food. They all laughed as they peeled me off Hinata and then shooed me out so they could see the cake. They took one look at the cake and their jaws dropped to the floor, I was watching from behind the door, cause I'm a ninja (A/N: Hehehhehheheh). They were squealing aboout how they' couldn't believe how pretty the cake looked' and 'the colors of the stranwberris, kiwis, and bananas, went perfectly together' and they all took pictures of it on their phones, carefully so that I couldn't look over their shoulders. 

We looked at the time and it was almost 7.

"Okay! Since you guys are my best friends and you guys planned and made all of this you guys HAVE TO dress up and stand next to me as I blow out my candles. You guys just have to." I told them, giving them my best puppy-dog eyes.

"Consider it done!!!" Tenten, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Temari said in unison.

They all quickly left to get ready.


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