Chapter 12: Is it a happily ever never after all?

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[continueing from part 8]

Sasuke and I woke up to hearing someone knocking on the door. I slowly sat up and Sasuke was about to get up until I put my hand on his chest, signaling him to stay there. He gently took my hand and kissed my palm. I gently smiled at him, as my insides melted, and went to go opened the door.

There I saw Tenten, Temari, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata.

"Where did you go!?" Sakura yelled.

"G-Gomen Sakura-chan." I said sadly.

I moved so they could come in. They saw Sasuke on the couch with his forearm over his forehead.

"What." He said in a mono tone.

"Did you sleep with him Ryuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Temari, and Hinata yelled.

"NOOOO, NOT MY SWEET, INNOCENT RYUU!!!!!" Ino covered her face with her hands

"No!!!!!" I blushed like a manic.

"If she slept with me i would still be doing her and you wouldn't be here." Sasuke said, peeping from under his arm to wink and me and smirk at the other girls.

I gasped and ran to my room, blushing even brighter. I heard Sasuke quickly get up and walk to my room. He must notcied the door was locked and knocked on it.

"Is there something wrong Ryuu?" Sasuke asked, obviously worried.

"No! Go get the others!!" I said, fretting around the room to make sure it looked perfect.

I heard Sasuke get the others and I opened the door.

"I'm done!!" I said happily.

They walked into my room and they looked at the collage of pictures on the wall.

"Guess what the whole picture is." I said, jumping up and down with excitment.

Everybody was quiet for a moment until Sasuke saw it.

"its a bunch of pictures of you and friends and family scattered everywhere." Sasuke said.

I smiled happily and nodded "Yeppers!"


We all walked to the living room as Ryuu went to the kitchen to make some snacks.

"So Sasuke....When are you gunna ask Ryuu out?" Temari asked.

"What?!" Sasuke said, kinda shocked.

"it's pretty damn obvious that you like her. Ask her out already or ask her to be your girlfriend." Tenten said.

"No. I don't want to ask her out. What if she doesn't want to be my girlfriend or go out with me?" Sasuke asked, blushing slightly that he is admiting this to a bunch of girls.

"Of course she likes you baka! She cried for you, she cared for you, she talks to you, she laughs with you...Omigosh...Do i have to go any further." I said, shaking my head at the stupidity of him.

"Okay. You have a point but still...I dont want to risk our friendship." Sasuke said the last part quietly.

"If we could convince her to tell us her love for you and we tell you...Will you at learst tray to ask her out?" Hinata asked.

Sasuke thought about it for a moment.

"Fine." Sasuke said stubbornly.

Ryuu entered the living room with a tray of food and drinks. she put it on the coffee table and handed Sasuke a drink. She sat down next to him and the girls(except Ryuu of course :3) wondered if Sasuke was going to ask her out, or not.

"So....Ryuu do you want to join in the school play?" Temari said, breaking the silecne.

"Uhh sure. Only if you guys are." Ryuu said quietly, shes always loved acting, but never has the courage to go on stage without us at her back.

"You should try out for the part of Juliet and Sasuke as Romeo." I insisted, leaning forward and smiling excitedly at her.

"Oh...You guys know i get stage freight....I can't do it." Ryuu said quietly, looking at the floor, she loved acting and she knew it.

"We'll help you not be afraid." Hinata said, patting her hand across the table.

"I don't think thats possible." Ryuu sighed

"I'll only do it if Ryuu agrees to." Sasuke said, looking at her.

Sasuke laid his head on her shoulder and Ryuu gently smiled. She looked at him and laid her hand on his cheek.


"Are you tired?" I whispered.

Sasuke slowly nodded his head and I gently smiled. I laid his head on her lap and Sasuke softly smiled.

"OMIGOSH!!!!! Just date each other already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ino and Sakura yelled in unison.

My eyes widened as Sasuke quickly sat up.

Father never wanted me to have a boyfriend...I never wanted to go against his wish... Nao thought, my eyebrows knit together as the desicsion bloomed in my head.

Sasuke looked at her and looked down.

"Nao... Will.... Will you be my girlfriend?" Sasuke asked quietly.

I looked at him in complete shock.

No! I won't go against fathers wish!! I won't!!!!!!! I screamed in my head.

Sasuke and the others waited for an answer. 

I want to be with him. I really do, but I don't want to go against father's wishes, I cant....

I just didn't know what to say. I quckly ran out of the apartment.

Tears running dwon my face and my thoughts all jumbled up like a tornado in a hurricane. I ran as far away and as fast as I could.

I heard Sasuke yell out my name, but this only made me run even faster. I fell into a small clearing with a small pond. I cried on the grass as I tried to get myself together but it never worked.



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