Chapter 14: The amusment park :)

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I grinned again, looking at my new Anbu tattoo on my arm, and looking at my new mask.

It was a wolf, it was black, gold and red. The red was around the eyes , the gold swirld around its ears and cheeks. The red swirl'd mostly around they eyes but the nose too and then it was a big swirl on the forehead.

(I'm going to put the pic up but if not copy and paste this URL to see what im talking about

I smiled, it fit me perfectly. I flexed my arms and legs, my new uniform was awesome too. It was all black, with short shorts and a mid-triff tank top. Fish net covered my belly and from my shoulders to elbows, and my thighs to my knees as well. I had mid-calf boots, and my weapons pouchs were black too, but they had on a red anbu symbol, there was one on the back of my shirt too.

I fit my mask on my face and looked at myself in the floor length mirror. I looked bad ass.

I quickly changed and started to make my way up the stairs and out into the night, the sun was rising and Sasuke would be awake soon, I smiled yet again. He was planning to take me and everyone else to the fair.

I cant wait....


Ryuu, Sakura, Temari, Ino, Hinata, and Tenten walked into the Konoha fair and it was amazing.

There was a huge roller coaster, a really big ferris wheel and so many stands for foods, drinks, and games... It was unimaginable.

Ryuu and her friends starred at awe at the sight. There was so many people and it was full with life. They quickly went to play some games and Ryuu didn't suck this time but she didn't win the prizes she wanted. Yes she won games without a guy doing it for her but she never got the one she really wanted.

Ryuu saw a really cute pikachu plushie and it was so adorable. She looked at the game and knew it was impossible. She let out a huge sigh as her and her friends were about to walk away until someone grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him.

"what do you want? I'll get it for you.... No matter what cost." Sasuke whispered, dramatically but she could also sense that he meant it literally.

she blushed "I.... I want the pikachu plushie but the games too hard." she whispered, a little guilty.

Sasuke looked at the game and you had to throw a dart into a small star on the wall. Sasuke paid for a dart and quickly threw the dart. He got the dart into the center of the star and the lady gave him the pikachu plushie. Sasuke waved the plushie infront of her face and she gasped as her eyes widened. She held the plushie and Sauske quickly snatched it away from her.

"Eh eh eh..." Sasuke said as he tapped his cheek, wanting a kiss.

Ryuu, who wanted that plushie for real, decided to be bold with her thank you and put her hands on his cheeks and forcfully kissed him on the lips, infront of all her friends and other people who they didn't even know.

Sasuke was shocked at how bold she was about it. He fiercfully kissed back and later broke the kiss. Sasuke gave her the plushie and Ryuu quickly jumpped on him, hugging him tightly. Sasuke smiled very softly and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Lets go on the ferris wheel .... Not only is it huge but its one of those saftey kind that can hold more than 2 people." Hinata insisted.

 Ryuu looked at them and nodded. They walked tot he ferris wheel, Sasuke and Ryuu walked in the back, wanting so privacy, well as much privacy as you can get in a crowded fair but you get what I mean. Sasuke kissed her on the cheek as they walked into the empty line. They got into the cart and they really enjoyed the veiw at the very top. They all gazed out the window in awe as They watched little kids running and screaming in joy on the ground.

"Soooooooooo... You guys are together now?" Sakura asked.

"Oh... Ya." Ryuu said as she cuddled with Sasuke.

Sasuke kissed her forehead and nodded, not looking away from her.

"Wow Sasuke. It looks like you really like her." Ino said, but he could sense the hidden message 'don't hurt her or deal with the concequences'

"I thinks it more than that." Sasuke whispered so only Ryuu could hear.

She felt her face heat up and she cuddled into his arms resting her head on his shoulder.

They finally got out and Sasuke won her another plushie and it was a Squirtale plushie. She held her 2 plushies in her arms as Sasuke lead her out of the fair and out of Konoha. They walked hand in hand, before long they sat on top of a hill and watched as the sun crawled down the sky.

They stayed there, watching the sunset and layed back to stare at the twilight stars, Ryuu dozed off and Sasuke carried her to his apartment, he tucked her into bed and then fell asleep on the couch, wanting to respect her values and act as a gentlemen.

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