Honorable tradition

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Capítulo 2: Honorable tradition

In the Zootopia Police Tank Hangar the tension seemed to decrease thanks to the intervention of Officer Keyheart.

"Feminazis"... Really, Chief Bogo? Do you know you can get sued for that little word?"

Chief Bogo looked at the black cat grimly, but decided to take a deep breath and then gave Officer Keyheart Judy's transfer papers.

"Yes, everything is in order. Officer Hoops, welcome to the tanker police," said the black cat, while the other animals grumbled and exchanged frowning looks.

"Thank you very much Subcommander keyheart. I promise you, I'll do my best."

"Just call me Keyheart, after all Chief Bogo is the senior commander of the tanker police and I'm just the deputy commander."

"You'd better tell her to call you by your name, subcommander," a sardonic rhinoceros suddenly said to him, and the other animals laughed with disguise.

"Sub-Commander?" Judy said intrigued.

"Key.... My name is Key Key Keyhearth."

Some of the animals couldn't stand it and started laughing.

"Yes, yes... fuck all of you," said Key as he returned the transfer papers to Chief Bogo, who was still angry.

When the black cat turned around, he saw Judy make great efforts not to laugh too.

"Hmm... I'd better show you the hangars, Hoops."

"Not so fast," interrupted Chief Bogo, "first she has to go to traffic and urban roads."

Key sighed and nodded in defeat.

"Well cute little bunny," said the evil-looking Buffalo. "You'll hand out ticket violations on the streets."

"What? Sir, I'm a real officer, not a ticket collector."

"If the pretty bunny doesn't think she's up to it or thinks she's too pretty to do what she's told.... Then go, there's the way out!"

"But, but..."

"Judy," Key said calmly. "It's a tradition in the tanker police that newcomers spend a day in traffic and on the road.... It's like a kind of initiation in this place."

"I see, well sir, I promise you that I will give you a hundred, no, two hundred fines before the end of the day."

"That's the attitude, Judy."

"One week," said Chief Bogo.

"What?" Key said.

"One week. The cute little bunny's gonna hand out tickets for a week."

"That's unfair! I was given three days, I don't understand why she's being punished like this!"

The black cat and the buffalo did not cut eye contact and both seemed to give off sparks.

"Okay, Chief Bogo," Judy said in a dignified voice despite the discriminatory treatment. "I'll be a fine sharer for a week.... the best fine sharer in the whole of Zootopia."

"Remember pretty little ears, if you can't handle the job.... there's no shame in quitting," said Bogo with a sardonic smile that was imitated by the rest of the animals, except Key.

"Anything else, Key," asked the Chief Tank Officer as he watched the black cat stand in a firm pose beside him.

"Yes, I forgot.... Chief José Rosano, is very angry with the destruction at the station due to the explosion a while ago, and says that if you don't get your ass down to his office right away, he himself will come down and bite you."

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