Two wonderful little mice

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Capítulo 8: Two wonderful little mice

The old train passing through Zootopia would soon be replaced by a new model. It had served for many years the city's transportation and would make a final tour, this would be attended by the richest of the city along with citizens who through a lottery would participate in the tour that would actually be a gala party inside the train wagons that were reconditioned for this occasion. An extravaganza, but one that was intended to make the citizens of the zootropolis forget the death of the former mayor.

Chief José Rosano, a huge old bobtail dog, had been invited to the gala, however, at this point he could not help but get his full attention on the report he was given by Little Rodentia detectives regarding the case of the assault on the hospital by the Buajaja criminal gang.

Rosano thanked the small researchers for their research work. After all, Zootopia was not characterized by an efficient detective force, but by direct, almost brutal, crime-fighting.

"We interviewed all the hospital staff and verified that it was not an inside job," said Detective Chip Jones, a squirrel known for his efficient work.

It is a pity that such efficiency did not extend to wearing the statutory police uniform, as he wore a fedora hat and an old explorer's brown jacket. Although of course, the Little Rodentia police department was semi-autonomous and was characterized by a more lax discipline with its officers with respect to uniform.

"We also conducted extrajudicial investigations and discovered that Buajaja's gang was financed with money from a bank account in the city of Roca del Rey," reported Detective Dale Magnun, also a squirrel who, unlike Chip, had two very large and separate incisor teeth, as well as a bulbous nose.

And if Detective Chip's suit was curious, the one Dale was wearing, was unconcerned about where he was, since he was wearing a very flashy Hawaiian T-shirt.

"Boss Rosano, I tested the compounds that Buajaja stole from the hospital and found something alarming," said a lovely little blonde, blue-eyed mouse named Gadget Hackwrench.

Gadget was the pride of Little Rodentia's forensic science department, a genius who was a wonderful combination of beauty and brains.

The chief of police listened attentively to Detective Gadget's report and could not help but swallow spit. If what the young researcher said was true, it was a serious risk to the citizens of all Zootopia.

"I see, but we don't know how Buajaja could release the lethal substance and where in the city. It will be impossible to cover all of Zootopia, the zootropolis is a colossal extension" said Rosano with a tone of concern for which he could not be blamed.

"Don't worry, Chief," Chip reassured him, "Gadget did an analysis of the clothes that Annapuma and Unipuma left at the hospital entrance and discovered micro-particles of soil and ceramics from the old part of Zootopia."

"Detective Monterey Jack and his assistant, Zipper, are investigating the place at the moment," Dale continued, "as soon as they know anything, they'll contact you right away."


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