Hey Boy

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Previous author's note: "Hey Boy" is the song from the soundtrack of the Anime Dominion Tank Police, in which Annapuma and Unipuma make their "lil show".


Capítulo 4: Hey Boy

The atmosphere in the hospital was one of absolute tension. Not the tension of the continuous movement of medical personnel and patients back and forth, but rather, the trapping anguish caused by the break-in of Buajaja's gang, which had entered in a violent manner and ended the lives of the animal guards who protected the interior of the hospital complex.

It was not money, nor hostages, that Buajaja, the pig, targeted, but a wing of the hospital where they kept classified medical samples.

When the criminals left the building, they were surrounded by numerous police vehicles, including the Zootopia SWAT forces.

"Hold it right there, don't move and put your hands up!" shouted a bear.

"Drop your weapons!" shouted a rhinoceros.

"If I brought weapons, it's to use them!" the pig answered to the police.

"Leave this to us," said Anna Puma.

"Yes, we know what to do" continued Uni Puma.

Buajaja understood and with a wicked smile, went with the rest of his men to the ambulance and took shelter like the sailors of yesteryear from the treacherous sirens.

The various lights in the hospital, along with those in the street lighting and other places around it, together with the lights of the police patrols, gave the whole place a calm appearance that invited dreaming. For Ana Puma and Uni Puma, the show had begun, as soon as their fleshy lips had been moistened with their tongues.

Animals may have evolved beyond their most basic instincts, but deep down, each and every one of them was still an animal.

Poetry in motion that showed the passing of a brief moment that seemed to extend into infinity, exposed a dance that invited first to surprise and then to lust.

Elegant and at the same time voluptuous feminine forms, were the masters of the minds that at that moment broke all concentration and enslaved themselves voluntarily to every movement of the sensual cats.

They were the cats and they were the poor mice.

Provocative glances, flirtatious kisses thrown at the crowd that far from keeping their composure, moved by the automatic impulse of pleasure.

They were the cats and they were the poor mice.

Every female garment was discarded, every curve was exposed and every logic abandoned as the animals cheered for the two cats.

They were the cats and they were the poor mice.

When all nudity was exposed in a shy and picaresque way at the same time, like two hawks that suddenly take off from the ground, Anna Puma and Uni Puma, made an impossible jump that propelled them towards the sky.

They were the cats and they were the poor mice.

All illusion was broken, the cats were not really naked, and in a display of feline agility, they took a deadly turn in the air and pulled out of God knows where, a couple of machine guns and ground-to-ground missiles, and death and destruction fell on the police forces.

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