A cat with a plan

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Capítulo 7: A cat with a plan

Judy was in one of the depots in the police station, in front of her was the remains of what was once Chief Bogo's huge green tank, now it was just a pile of junk.

"Judy, are you here?" Key asked.

"Hello Key... Oh, my God Key, what happened to you!"

The handsome black cat had a swollen right eyelid, you could tell he had been hit in that place.

"Don't tell me that stupid buffalo hit you!"

"Don't worry, it's not what you think. The whole battalion of the tanker police got involved in a more physical show of camaraderie, it happens sometimes when a lot of testosterone is accumulated, in the end everyone feels more relaxed and helps you to strengthen the bonds between peers as I told you."

"That's so... absurd," said Judy. "On second thought, though, my childhood with my more than 200 siblings comes to mind."

"There was no room for delicacy over there. I guess that's why I am who I am and I decided to be a cop in the end, and my dream was always to drive one of those tanks... the power, the strenght, everything!"

"Sorry, I guess I shouldn't seem like someone of my race and size to you, although that never seemed to me to be an obstacle to achieving my goals."

"Well, I think you're very feminine, Judy."

"I think you're very feminine, too, Key," said the rabbit with a sarcastic look.

"Ouch, that hurt."

"You're easy to bother with that little face of yours, not to mention that name, Subcommander Key Keyhearth."

"Funny girl, look who's talking about last names, Officer Judy Hoops."

"Ouch too. Why don't parents change their last names? Don't they see how their children can suffer bullying at school?"

"At least you got a normal name Judy, my mom named me K. E. Y."

Although she didn't propose it, Judy began to laugh, but stopped when Key approached her, so close, that he violated her personal space.

"With that pretty little face of yours, Judy, I bet you had problems in school too, or did your brothers act as bodyguards?"

"They did it, they smashed the face of any idiot who came too close to me and tried to flirt with me," said Judy, with her index finger nailed to the cat's chest, she pushed the other person away.

The two policemen stared at each other with a defiant smile on their lips.

Key decided to be the gentleman and was the first to look away, not down, but fixed his huge eyes on the junkyard.

"I won't make it Key, will I?"

"As bureaucratic as it is to ask for a new tank, I don't think so. There is one solution, though."

"Really? Tell me!"

"Well, that's what this junk is, Judy: junk. The advantage is that we don't need a lot of paperwork and waiting time to transform all this into a tank that you can operate before the time Bogo gave you is over."

"Do you think we can turn all this into a tank?"

"Didn't you graduate top of your class, official Hoops ? I'm sure you'll be able to do it, besides, I'm not leaving you alone, I'll help you too, after all I was also the first in my class."

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