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Capítulo 12: Tigress

Judy had not foreseen it, but the physical effort she had to put in was overwhelming. The initial race on the wagons soon turned into a crawl on the wagons due to the force of the wind that threatened to drive her out of position so that it would plunge into the void to a certain death.

Judy could feel each of the muscle fibers in her arms tighten and struggle to advance inch by inch, while her athletic hind legs served as wedges preventing her from being thrown off the roof of the wagon.

"Hell, if only I could breathe," Judy cursed inside, as the force of the wind had ripped off her biological protection mask, and now the wind had hit her face so hard that she couldn't breathe air efficiently.

"There's no alternative, I'll have to break one of the windows," Judy concluded, sliding to the side of the car.

"No, they had to be right here!" Judy cursed her bad luck when she saw the hostages right in the last car.

Judy pulled out her gun and with the handle of her gun proceeded to hit the window furiously in the hope of warning the hostages to get out of the wagon.



Inside the last wagon all the animals, including Mayor Bellwether, had been locked up. All of them looked with regret at the floor as looking out the windows reminded them of how the train had been hijacked and now instead of the slow march, it was printing speeds that threatened to derail.

One of the animals, however, heard a constant, sharp noise upstairs and to his side and spotted what appeared to be a police officer trying to get attention.

"Look, everybody! The police have come to rescue us!"

All the animals crowded into the window and understood that they should open the window, but they couldn't find the shape, and they signaled to the policeman that it would be impossible without breaking the reinforced glass.

The train was going at such speeds that if the glass broke, it would expel the purified air and the deadly, stale air would enter.

Then the passengers saw the policeman stop holding the gun like a club and now he was pointing at the window.

Panic spread through the place, and they all walked away from the window and looked for anything they could cover their mouths with.



Judy fired her gun at the window and after two shots, it exploded into dozens of fragments that were ejected backwards and out of the car, one of which hit the rabbit right in the right eye.

Judy's face contracted into a grimace of pain but rage at the same time, as stubborn as she was alone, she ignored the penetrating pain and forced the muscles of her arms to the utmost and entered the wagon.

An intense look of hatred from her healthy eye was directed at the door of the carriage and was followed by the impulse of her legs that catapulted her forward as she pointed her weapon at the door lock.

Despite the hatred, Judy's mind could judge the situation with a cool mind, so halfway through she took off the garment that the mayor was trying to cover her snout and Judy fired at the door until she emptied the magazine of her gun. Then, with lightning speed, she covered her muzzle with the garment and proceeded to tie it around her face and knot it around her nape, then reloaded her weapon and fired at the next door, all without stopping for even a second.

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