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Capítulo 13: Proudly

The throbbing pain came and went with greater and lesser intensity. Judy was grateful that a white cloth covered her face, so Lord Sheng would not notice that pain was overwhelming her more and more.

"That eye looks really bad, dear. I bet it hurts a lot" the peacock mocked, as he waved the fantasy spear with the movements typical of kung fu.

"Fucking peacock."

"Lord Sheng, you are under arrest for criminal association with the Buajaja terrorist group, and for attempting against the lives of the citizens of Zootopia, you have the right to a lawyer and a phone call. Anything you say will be considered for prosecution."

"Stupid rabbit, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. This is bigger than you think, you'll soon be crushed like an insect."

"Keep your vain threats, which I well warned you to keep quiet. Now surrender, release the spear and do not resist arrest."

"Did you think... did you think you could make me arrest so easily? Besides, who the hell are you, just a cute little rabbit?"

It was the trigger, Judy lashed out with renewed fury and Lord Sheng showed in the act that this arrogance of his had a foundation.

A deep cut of blood came out under Judy's left eyelid, if it wasn't for the police training she had already received, she would have been blinded.

"Assaulting a police officer. This time you've ruined it, Lord, don't expect me to be gentle with you... dear."

Judy took a leap backwards and adopted an elegant defensive pose.

"So, Karate, uh, this is going to be interesting, rabbit of the plebs."

Both adversaries looked at each other furiously without daring to be the first to attack. The train had left Zootopia and was already discharging the viral compound outside with a deafening beep.

At lightning speed and with the same lethality, the two martial contenders wielded their weapons efficiently and deadly.

The bird's movements seemed like poetry in motion and although they made movements and turns unnecessary to a novice observer, in reality that form of fighting took maximum advantage of the force of inertia and acceleration, which produced attacks with greater speed and penetrating power if they reached their target.

Judy's movements, on the other hand, reflected a less ornate but extremely efficient fighting style that was always attentive to the opponent's attack and to the surrounding area, with lightning attacks predominated at a single opportunity and a defense that was always attentive. Another kind of poetry in motion.

Sheng's new cuts tried to hurt Judy, but she took the utmost precautions, such as lowering her long ears and gluing them as much as possible to her neck and neck.

"Shit, it hurts more and more. My eye's gonna burst."

"I can't breathe. Damn rabbit, never gets tired."

One last move, one last effort on the part of the contenders. All the concentration, all the effort was summed up in a leap towards the opponent.

A successful blow hit Judy right on the side, but in return the paw/stick had given the peacock in the middle of its beak and had broken it in two. Lord Sheng had fallen, dead before he even fell to the ground.

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