Never trust a peacock

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Capítulo 6: Never trust a peacock

Boss Bogo was speechless, such was the impression he had received from Deputy Mayor Bellweather that he could only open his jaw.

"Well," said the future mayor of Zootopia, "Officer Hoops, Officer Keyheart, I hope you both won't talk to any member of the press."

"Don't worry, Vice Mayor," the rabbit and the cat were secured with a nod.

Bellwheater was satisfied and then left the tanker police hangars to keep to her busy schedule, followed by Benjamin Garraza.

The tanker animals were looking forward to the situation. His superior buffalo was breathing agitated and at the end, he turned around to confront his two subordinates.

"Well, Subcommander Keyheart, you seem to have got away with it. The cute little bunny will still be in the way around. Too bad we can't offer you a tank, after all, they're all under repair."

"Thank you, Commander," Key thanked him, "but the buffalo ignored him and turned to Judy."

"Listen to me, cute bunny, this time Bellwheater saved you, however, I am still your superior and therefore I will put you on probation. You run the red light again this week and I will be sure to put my "fair" opinion of your work on my tank force in your performance report. This time neither that sheep nor Chief Rosano will stop me from kicking you out like I should have the first day you came."

"Sir" It was all Judy could say as she stood up and kept her eyes on Bogo.

"Commander, may I ask what the probationary period will be?"

"Well the usual, like cleaning latrines, washing battalion clothes, taking our coffee.... operating one of the tanks."

"But sir," said Judy, worried, "you said that the tanks will be repaired and that will take..."

"Chief Bogo, you're asking the impossible to Judy, she won't be able to spend the trial week without her own tank," Key said angrily.

"That's not my problem Keyheart, the cute bunny should have thought better of it when she decided to join the tanker police and worse still, to have destroyed my personal tank... my baby, it wasn't a reinforced ceramic tank, it was a Ran tank made of steel! Ag, how my bile is corroding right now!"

Judy couldn't take it anymore, her ears fell out and her nose shook as tears streamed down her eyes.

"Hey," said Bogo, as he pulled his face closer to Judy's face, "it is I who should be crying right now, you hear me, it is I who should be crying right now!"

"SO CRY AT ONCE," Suddenly Judy shouted at him with all the power of her small lungs and glued her face full of fury to Bogo's bad face.

Judy then stepped out of the hangars with a firm and dignified step, slamming the door shut so hard that the window pane broke and fell to the ground.

All the animals, including Key, were like statues and with their mouths open, yet they were not half as surprised as Chief Bogo.

"But... but... what did She say! Now She'll find out!"

The buffalo was very angry, so angry that he pulled out his gun and was already on his way to meet the rabbit.

"No boss Bogo, don't do it!" Key pleaded with him, holding one of his legs and his belt.

It must have been the adrenaline that gave the cat the strength to stop Bogo, who was very tall and muscular, who kept insisting on going after Judy.

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