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Everyone has that one thing that that helps them escape from the cruel reality. Some it's sports, some it's art, and others could even be drugs. At least something that helps them ignore the fact that global warming exists, incurable diseases are increasing, and that sometime, all life will eventually come to an end. But why do we need to ignore them exactly? Is it because the human race is so sensitive that we need to comfort ourselves with constant lies twenty-four seven. Why do some people face these situations head on like scientists and astronomers, and others watch from the side lines? It's natural for a person to experience fear once in a while, and also it's natural for a person to want to escape those fears as well. To feel safe. To know that everything's going to be okay. 

At times, I, myself—Levi Ackerman—do fit into that category. I do have that thing that somehow makes me blind of the outside world. But at other times, I pity others because of lack of knowledge on how Earth runs itself. Strong overpowers the weak. And if you're weak, then too bad. If you can't change the situation, then change yourself. It's as simple as that. 

I got myself in a tight situation here at my old public school. I was a real stick in the mud and I was very close-minded. If someone didn't like something that I did, I had no reason to associate myself with them. I'd cut ties. Easy. Done.

But without even realizing it, I had isolated myself from the entire school. No friends. No one. Kinda like a sad story right? Wrong. I was happy, honest to God I was. However, my mother thought otherwise after I told her I had no friends. She thought I was depressed, bullied, or some shit and even brought it up to the principle. I can definitely be nice sometimes, but I'd rather keep to myself. I'm just a mega-introvert. I hate mostly everyone, but my mother obviously. 

Oh and that thing I was talking about before, the thing that makes me "escape" is quite simple; it's music. Plan old music. Writing, singing, listening, and playing. ALL of it. Music is like a spectrum of infinite personalities. One song may be enough to pump you through a marathon and another be your savior when it comes putting you to sleep. There's an endless list of possibilities in this subject, and that's why I love music to death.

But can music stop my mom from transferring me to a private school with dorms, used uniforms, and sweaty jocks? Sadly no, I wish though. I honestly do wish. 

And that's were the story began.

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