1. Call me Tomato-Head.

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01 // Call me Tomato-Head.

W r e n

Watching the lacrosse trials only made me realise one thing; God I was unfit.

I was tired just looking at them doing countless physical drills. The coach was, basically, a complete dick. He made them run a million laps, and then yelled insults at the poor kids. One guy, a junior, I think his name was Miles or something, basically collapsed at the end and his friend had to help carry him off; the poor guy. The only one who didn't seem to be struggling in the least was Liam.

To put it simply; he was incredible at Lacrosse. I swear, I've never seen anyone move that quickly and with such grace. Well, as much grace as a lacrosse player can have. I don't even think I saw him break a sweat, and when they were allowed a little rest, there Liam was doing push ups! Every now and then he'd stop and look over at me, waving. A few times he winked, and I could actually feel my face heating up.

These two girls not too far away from me, sat on a higher bench, were talking about 'something' that wasn't much of a thing. Strangely enough, when I looked over to the two, one with brown hair pulled into a small plait made me shiver. I felt like a should know her, and it was a weird feeling to say the least. She looked somewhat familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Out on the field, one poor guy struggling, Miles, shot the ball straight into the goalie's stick. To me, it was actually an okay shot, but the aim could have been better, obviously. Liam stifled a laugh, and the guy, trying to look tough, shoulder bumped him, glaring. Liam shook his head, laughing, and half of me couldn't really blame him. The guy was pretty amusing. It was Liam's turn now, and I was interested to see if he was as good on the field as he was in goals.

He was.

Liam shot the ball right into the net before the goalie could even process what was happening. I stood up and cheered, just like most in the stands. Liam looked over at me, and smiled. I grinned as he walked to the back of the line. Shot after shot he made it in, straight past the goalie.

The next drill, Miles and some other junior, the captain last year, had to defend the goal. Surprisingly, they had managed to stop everyone so far, while the Coach yelled proudly. When it was Liam's turn I got nervous, biting my lip. A freshman up against two juniors? That's a little rough. Yet, he still managed to amaze me, getting past both of them and flinging the ball straight into the net. I stood up, cheering for him as the two girls behind me sighed dramatically.

The girl who I think I should know but don't really stood up, yelling to the coach. "That was luck!"

She was obviously a friend of the two boys, because that was far from just 'luck'. Was she even watching? Liam had skills. Though, she continued to roar at the coach. "Do-over!"

"Sweetheart, there are no do-overs. This is practise," the coach laughed.

The girl glared at him. "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles."

Oh, Stiles. Eh, I like Miles better.

The coach pointed at her, saying, "I'll take that action." Turning his head back to the field, he yelled at Liam. "Hey, hey! Get back in there, Liam!"

The two juniors shook their heads, getting themselves ready again, as did Liam. Just as he was about to run he turned his head and winked at me through his helmet, and for the millionth time today, I felt like a tomato. Just go ahead and call me Tomato-Head.

I subconsciously moved forward in my seat, inching closer to the field, as I watched in anticipation, yet again. Liam dug his foot into the dirt to prepare himself before picking up the ball with his stick and began running foreword. I almost couldn't bare to watch, yet I couldn't bring myself to turn away either, watching as Liam got past the first boy swiftly and easily, but when it came to the second one, Scott, my breath hitched in my throat.

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