Sorting out feelings~

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I kept pacing back and forth in my room not knowing what to do. It's been a couple of days since I last talked and spent with Shino...but anytime now I've tried to text or call her, she won't pick up her phone and I'm afraid to go see her at her apartment. I didn't know what to do. 

There was a slight knock at my door and I sighed. 

"Come in." I answer. My door opened and I saw my sister(Sugu) with a worried expression on her face. "Oniichan, are you okay?" she asked worried. I shook my head. I couldn't lie to her. 

"Not really...I...have been trying to call Shino for the past two days and texting her, but she won't pick up her phone or anything. I haven't gone to see her in her apartment...." I explain. 

Sugu sat down across from me on my bed. "Well, did something happen between the two of you before me and the others got there?" she questioned. I scratched the back of my head slightly and nodded. 

"We..I was telling her how I would always be there for her whenever she needed me..we were comforting each other and almost...." Sugu gasped in surprise which made me not finish what I was telling her. 

"Kazuto!! You two almost kissed!!" she exclaimed. My cheeks heated up fast. 

"I...Okay..Yeah we almost did, but then we got interrupted..but it made Shino log out  fast before I could say or do anything..I feel like I made some mistake or something.." I mutter feeling disappointed. 

"Well, it sounds like she got really nervous. Especially with us showing up and now knowing what we'd think. She likes you, Oniichan." Sugu smiled. 

"Yeah..she does, doesn't she?" I smile to myself remembering the memory before our friends came in and then the time I saved her in GGO and at her apartment. 

Sugu gasped again. I gave her a questioning look. "What?"

"You like her too, don't you?" I sighed and nodded. I haven't felt close like this with anyone except for when I was trapped in SAO and I was with Asuna at the time. But with Shino, it feels new and different. A really good kind of different. 

"Yeah I do..but how can I even tell her?" I ask not knowing what to do. She laughs a little. 

"It's really simple. Since Shino-san isn't answering her phone, why not go see her in person and talk with her?" she suggests. I whacked my forehead slightly realizing I could've thought of this. 

"Sugu, you're brilliant! I'll try to go to her apartment and see if I can talk with her." 

"Good! I better hear all the details too!" Sugu winked.


About a half n hour later, I was riding on my motorcycle to Shino's apartment. I parked in the parking lot and took off my helmet while putting it in the small compartment I had on the back of my bike. My heart was racing, but I headed up to her apartment anyways. 

I finally reached the second floor and knocked on Shino's front door. There was no answer.

I tried again, but more louder, and still no answer. Was she not home or something?

I banged on her door again and no answer, except for another door opening next to where she lives. A girl with dark brown hair in a ponytail came out and peered at me curiously. 

"Ah..sorry for being so loud..but Shino Asada home?" I ask. The girl shook her head slightly. 

"No she isn't..I think she headed to her job for the day." The girl said. "Okay..thank you." I bowed politely. 

"Hey..are you Kazuto Kirigaya?" she asks and I nod. "Yes. Why?" I question.

"Shino-san has mentioned you alot! Almost as if she has a crush on you." she winks and I sighed shaking my head. Is it that obvious and I was too dense to see it before? 

" you know the name and address where Shino works?" I ask and she nods. 

"Yep! We both work at the same small cafe called Chocolat Cafe. Here lemme write down the address for you." The girl went back into her apartment and then came back with a small piece of paper and handed it to me. "Good luck. And by the way, my name is Mizui. Nice meeting you, Kazuto. Have fun talking with Shino-san." she winked, then headed back into her own apartment. I sighed and shook my head. Strange, yet cheerful girl. 

I parked my bike and headed into the small cafe Shino's neighbor told me about. I headed in and looked around for any signs of Shino, but she was no where to be found..where could she be?

I walked up to the counter and asked for the manager. 

"How can I help you, sir?" the lady asked. "Er..I'm looking for Shino Asada. I was told by her neighbor and coworker named Mizui she might be working here today?" I ask. 

"Ah..yep. You just missed her. She clocked out early for the day not feeling well. I believe she went to go see her family for the day." The manager explained. "Eh..alright. Thank you." I bowed politely. 

"Not a prob..are you her boyfriend or something?" The manager lady asks with a smirk on her face. "That is private info..." I mutter, which made the manager and the other waitresses giggle. I walked out of there. My phone started to go off and I notice it was a text from Tsuboi(Klein). 

Klein:If you're looking for Shino, why not check into GGO?

I shook my head. Of course. If Shino wanted to be alone, it had to have been GGO. She wouldn't log into ALO by herself if she wanted alone time. I texted Tsuboi back. 

Kirito:I'm on my way back to my place and I'll see if Shino is in GGO. Thanks man!

 I put my phone back into my pocket and headed back home on my bike. I'm coming, Shino. 

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