HaPpY fAtHeRs DaY

14 0 5


What did you give to YoUr DaD today?

I gave mine a leaf made out of clay cause I saw in a INSIDER vid

srry that I'm more meme'e today

I love me dAd

And now I have my room back

Yaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy :D

Have you heard Jaidens moosic vid?

It good....

I might do a chap on iT

okie bye-bye now scroobs

[Note from 2020 Kelly:
i do love my dad
my mum just insults me a lot and agrees with my brother if he says smt mean about me-
heres an anime: Blend S
ˇ ˇ !!spoilers!! ˇ ˇ

i dont really like the fact that Dino likes Maika-

its just kinda weird-
oki bye ♡♡]

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