Watch Your Back

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Andrews P.O.V

My eyes snapped open and I sat up.

"June?" I called while looking around, blood was pooled on the carpet just few feet in front of me.

June wasn't here. Quickly I took my phone from the kitchen drawer and turned it on, frantically dialing 911.

I began pacing and explaining everything. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I raked a hand through my hair.

The sheriff came to the apartment and I explained everything again. He took our drinks to have them tested and suggested I stay in an environment where I know everyone well.

He drove me to Shane's house.

I knocked quietly and when everyone saw me they exploded into questions. After explaining the best I could, I took a nap on the couch.

Junipers P.O.V

"He'll find me you know.." I said to Clark as he came in to deliver me McDonald's

"No he won't" Clark assured me.

While I was eating the fries he gently touched my hair, when I flinched away he hit me.

"Dont ruin this for me, Juniper" he said my name like needles, compared to the feeling I got when Andrew said my name, this was hell.

So I stayed still as he caressed my hair and gingerly touched my shoulders. I looked at the ceiling and wondered if there was a God. If there is, why is he making this happen?

Clark began kissing my neck to which I cringed. This.. torment was more than I could bare.

"Do you love me, Juniper?" Clark whispered in my ear

"No.." when the word fluttered from my lips he roughly tilted my head up and stared into my eyes.

"Do you love me?" He asked again, harsher this time, almost like scolding a dog.

"Yes" I spat through gritted teeth.

"Say it, baby" his words were like barbed wire around my throat

"Kill me, fucker" I growled and head-butted him, hurting my own injury more, Clark stood up while clutching his nose.

"You ungrateful whore!" Clark yelled and kicked my shin

"Ungrateful?! Ungrateful!" Quickly I stood and began to yell at him "you hit me, and pushed me and manipulated me for years, Clark! You cheated on me and drank and got drunk for years! You we're never there Clark!" My voice echoed off of the walls.

He looked at me with what looked like hurt in his eyes. But I'm not stupid enough to fall for it again.

That night as I laid on the mattress he provided I thought of a way to get out. The chain is sturdy so pulling it out isn't an option. I attempted to unscrew it from the floor, my hands began to bleed in the attempt.

So when all of my ideas failed, I laid down to sleep on the uncomfortable makeshift bed.

Several days went by. I had cuts and bruises, a black eye, I was a mess. Every night when Clark would leave, I would try to find a way out. Every night I failed. Slowly I was beginning to play the part. Clark truly believed I was falling for him. Today is the game changer.

"I love you" I said into his ear as we hugged on the mattress

"I love you too" Clark shut his eyes as I began to rub his back when he pulled away my hands were on his hips, begging him to come back.

Clark placed a gentle kiss on my lips and while he was distracted I slipped the key from his pocket.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my love. What would you like for breakfast?" He asked while running his fingers through my hair

"Waffles please" Clark smiled and kissed my forehead

"Of course" he walked to the door and smiled at me, I smiled back and then laid down, the key in my mouth.

When I heard his truck start and leave, my fight or flight kicked in. I'm not a fighter, so flight it is.

The key slipped perfectly into the lock around my ankle. After it finally slipped off I noticed that my ankle was coated with blood.

I snuck out and limped to the nearest gas station. My face was all over the newspapers, I swung open the class door.

"Please..let me use your phone" I said to the man behind the counter

"You're that girl!" He cried while handing me his phone.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator said

"This is Juniper Lei Fair. I escaped and I need help. Hurry please"

"Okay Ms. Fair is your kidnapper around you?"

I started to say no but then I heard tires squel and his blue Ford pickup was at a gas pump and he was storming towards the door, the cashier jumped over the counter and locked the door, lowering the metal covering.

"Yes! Yes he's here! Hurry!" I was screaming now and hiding myself in the back room behind some barrels.

The sound of metal scraping against metal made me cringe. Breaking glass. A gunshot.

Before he opened the door I whispered to the operator.

"He drives a 91 blue Ford pickup" and hung up so there was no noise. The door flung open, so hard that it hit the wall.

"Juniper. Why would you leave me like that?" His heavy accent flowed to me and I shrunk further into the back.

"Where are you?" He loaded his revolver, I could hear it.

To the right of me was a fire extinguisher which I was already in the process of picking up. It was cradled between my legs and aimed in his direction.

Time seemed to slow. Once he was close enough to the barrels I kicked one and he fell, I stepped on him as I tried to get away and ran to the broken front door, cutting my feet badly. Once in the parking lot the police arrived, one of them helped me into the ambulance.

The medics began pulling glass from my feet as red and blue lights blinded me. Several gunshots rang from the inside of the store. One officer came out with blood on his face. Another came out clutching his shoulder.

He's dead? I asked myself.

Once hoisted in the ambulance and on my way to the hospital, I finally felt peace.

I don't remember falling asleep, but when I opened my eyes the overhead white lights of every hospital was the first thing I saw. Andrew was the second.

"June" he whispered and clutched my hand

"What..what happened?" My head was killing me and my body felt numb.

"He's dead. Suicide by cop or some shit. He hurt you... pretty bad. Broken ribs and a concussion" Andrew was petting my hair which was probably dirty and greasy and bloody.

"June.. I.." Andrew got choked up and started crying, laying his head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Me too" I whispered into his ear as I rubbed his back

Vodka Tonic (Andrew Siwicki fic)Where stories live. Discover now