Chapter 2: Im in a game? no, it's probably concidence right?

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I did said I will update, though my mind is gearing up more things to do for the story, so here we go.


~~ several months later ~~


I babble a shriek as I attempted to escape this prison aka the playpen. I'm getting a bit sick of the rattle and toys. I had try to escape using one of the plastic screwdriver, sadly this is not that old rugrats cartoon and there weren't no locks. I'm now about one year old, and had figured out to crawl. Yay for me, Though walking seem to be out of my elements since I keep falling on my bottom.

I tried climbing onto the pile of blankets and climbing over the bar. Sadly my mom saw me and put me right back in, taking some of the blanket so I wouldn't get hurt.

I lay down on the fluffy floor of the playpen. I never felt so bored in my life, well except for the evil incarnation math class. I swear math is the spawn of Satan out to destroy us all!.. I've been spending too much time alone with my thoughts haven't I?all well, though the math thing is true.

I can hear my mom and dad cooking in the kitchen, being all lovey dovey. I like them, they're good people. I haven't seen much of that good people in my past life, and it a nice fresh breath of air to hang around them. It was kind of funny to see my dad cry anime tears in the corner when my first word was "mama", though my mom was so happy and keep cuddling me while trying to comfort my dad who was attempting to make some sort of tiny mushroom farm.

I don't know why that sounds familiar...


I heard knocking coming from the front door. I tilt my head a bit on the fluffy floor to see my mom walking from the kitchen, covered in some flour and blue and pink cream on her clothes. I wondered who could be at the door. I met my grand Parents, they were nice while attempting to doll me up in 'pretty clothing' which I'll never live down for as long as I live.

I swear when I'm older, I'll burn off the remain of that photo. I not telling what they made me wear! Nobody must know, must not leave witness to embarrassing baby photo.

'good to see you [heroine]'


I turn my head more to see what my mom was doing as she let a little girl in along with two people I never know. Wait a minute, did she just said heroine? I was puzzle until I froze seeing the girl's face.

"no, it can't be.."

What I saw, was the same heroine I play in for the past year that haunted my mind in my past life. It was sawako Mishima. The protagonist of the Hearts of Blue Diary. I can feel my tiny heart hammering in my chest as she goes closer cooing a bit.

She look to be about 2-3, seeing that she bigger then me by a few inches. My mom picks her up and place her carefully in my playpen then leaves towards the kitchen bringing the other parents with them to chat. I put myself up in a sitting position as try my best to ignored the heroine.

This is not possible, there was no way that I'm in front of the heroine.. unless...

"no, that crazy talking. There no way I actually got into my game, just concidence that all"

I giggled a bit visible for the sake of my sanity, not noticing sawako crawling over to my way.

"i must be losing it, that all. This not like one of those reborn stories I read while I was in preteen."

I froze as I felt a pat on my fluffy and untamable curly hair. I turn my head to see face to face with sawako, and I felt my tiny heart jump a bit when I heard her speak.

I'm Reincarnation into a Otome game As The 'Error'. (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now