8am classes

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"Dean it would me the world to me if you'd hurry up and get your coffee I have a class to catch!" Seth yells at Dean who's busy flirting up the cashier at the coffee cart. "Dude" Seth starts whining causing Dean to rolls his eyes and tell her goodbye. "Mellow your yellow dude we still have a whole hour to go." Dean tells Seth while they walk outside the plaza. "And I got a discount on our coffees. See you gotta know how to talk to the ladies to get what you want." Dean tells Seth as a blonde girl walks by them to which Dean winks at. "Dean, do you really think i'll take advice from you?" Seth looks at dean like he's crazy and they both laugh. "Oh sethie I swear you never change." Dean starts putting his arm around Seth neck and they start walking towards Seth's car. Dean would never admit this out loud but Seth is his best friend in the world since they were little kids in kindergarten. And losing him would probably destroy him. "Hey you remember how we met?" Dean ask Seth as they sit in the car. "Yeah" Seth chuckles at the memorie.  " The teacher was having a heart attack when Paige came in crying telling her you lifted up her skirt and pulled her shorts down!" "Hey! you liar she was mad cuz you pushed Summer down the slide and she landed on her arm!" Dean defends himself causing both them to burst in laughter. " Oh man have we always been devils?" Seth ask Dean while starting the engine. " I mean if it weren't for the corner of that classroom we would of never meet." Dean smiles at the memories as they start driving. 


Paiges house

"That is the ugliest dress I have ever seen!" Paige's mom yells at her. "Ugh mom really all this negativity this early in the morning I don't have time for this seth picking me up in 10 minutes." Paige response to her mom and leaves. "Ugh she always bitches me around im not her sisters dog." Paige tells no one in particular. "Paige come back in here and change!" Paige's mom yells at her again. "okay fine if you'll shut up i'll go!" It doesn't take long before Finn finally arrives. "Are you and Finn gonna eat breakfast here?" Trish ask her daughter. "No mom." And as the speed on wind paige is out the door.  "Nice glasses Finn compliments His girlfriend as they share a kiss. "Thanks their fake!" Paige response and puts here seatbelt on.


Charlottes car

"Oh baby baby we belong together!" Sasha sings along to the radio as their on their way to school. "Man I think I lost my dorm key I hope my RA doesn't bitch." Bayley checks her purse.  "That's why you should move to the lower floor, I just come thru the window." Becky says while eating a donut. "My roomates cool." Bayley responds. "So Sasha did you finally quit working at the Khaki barn?" Renee ask Sasha. 'Yess that manager was a bitch. Plus! She always put me shifts by myself there's always supposed to be 2 people working!" Sasha tells them annoyed. "Charlotte why are you coming to school so early your classes dont start till 9." Sasha turns to Charlotte waiting for an answer. "Um I have a project due tomorrow so ima be in the library mostly everytime outside my classes." Charlotte responds focusing on the road. "Duh you guys think she would casually drive us to school?" Renee ask laughing. Well somebody had to drive becky and me to school." Bayley says before we they get out. "Alright guys i'm moving into the library!" Charlotte waves her hands goodbye to the girls and leaves. "Hey are you guys going to the boys Soccer game tomorrow?" Sasha Ask them. "I heard Mike blabbing about it ." Renee tells them. "Oh Bayley didn't Randy invite you?" Becky tells them out loud causing all of them to ooh. "Oh my god I promise there's nothing serious going on with me and randy where just friends."Bayley tells them wanting to die inside. "Girl he totally likes you cant deny that." Sasha tells bayley. "Ugh whatever im going to class." Bayley runs away with her hoodie covering her face. Leaving the other girls laughing.


"Guys your here!" Summer greets Paige and Finn. "Would of made it sooner but Finn was taking to long so I was stuck with my horrible mother." Paige rolls her eye at him. "Sorry babe I overslept." Finn replies putting his hand behind his neck. "Its okay babe." Paige replies kissing his cheek. "Um excuse me lovebirds but I believe Finn and I will be late if you keep on sucking on him like that." Tyler interrupts. 'Okay get going you two future businessman." Paige says as her and summer wave their boyfriends goodbye. "I heard the boys have a soccer match against our rival school?" Paige turns to ask summer. "Yeah You going?" Summer ask paige. "And miss my baby's first soccer match?" Paige sarcastically tells summer. "never!" They laugh and go walk to their building.

Just Like I Remember { A.U. Finn Balor and Bayley fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now