Setting up with the Bachelor Pad

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So today we're decorating Renee's HOT brother's house today for Becky's surprise party and its total chaos!!!   "Okay, Sasha I need you to stop playing with the helium and start putting it in all those balloons." Renee tells Sasha, referring to the 100 balloons on the ground.   "Charlotte get your tall ass on the ladder and hang those banners." Renee walks over to Charlotte checking things off her clipboard with her red pen.   "Bayley come on chop chop!! Those jello shots aren't going to make themselves." She walks off bossing me.   "Renee I gotta say, we need more help, with just the four of us it will never be done in time." Sasha starts whining.   "More like the two of us you're not doing anything and Renee your just bossing us around with your little pen." Charlotte also puts her two cents in.   "Yeah Charlotte's right, Renee can't you call your people?." I ask Renee.   "Ugh fine i'll see if anyone wants to help." Renee rolls her eyes and takes her phone out.



"Guess what Paige we're going to Hawaii!," I hear my mother say as she is already starting to pack her things.   "When?" I ask surprised.   "We leave wednesday so... Tomorrow." She tells me smiling   at the end and going back into her closet.   "What? Wednesday? I got a date with Finn on Thursday!!" I tell her following her. "I am not asking you if you want to go I am telling you. Now go pack!" She looks at me and goes back to packing.   Ugh this is so unbelievable.


Renne's POV

"Okay there coming."I finish talking on the phone to hear "Yays" From my friends. Gosh! I hate asking people for favors especially to people I don't know. Like what am I a whimp, that i have to ask other people for help? "So who's she bringing?" Sasha ask me carrying a box of things pass me. "I don't know. I just told her to tell people who are willing to help." I reply. "Okay well I called the boys to help us and they are on their way." Bayley tells us putting her phone back into her pocket. "Okay okay well in the meantime let's continue." I say and not even a minute later I hear the doorbell ring. "Must be them." I whisper to myself as I go open the door. "Hey" Summer replies turning around and turning off her phone. "Oh I didn't expect you to be here so soon." I say to Summer. "Well I just go out of my Yoga class and came straight here hopefully I don't look to out of place." She says as she starts to walk in. "Oh no trust me you're still the most dressed person here." I replied as I look at all of us. "Hey guys this is Summer." I announce to the girls getting their attention as they all turn around and say hi to her.  "Okay so what do I need to do captain." Summer asks me. "Hmm just start off by tapping the ballons to the ceiling." I tell her giving her the box of balloons. "Hey um Summer did you bring any other help?" Charlotte goes up to Summer. "Um everyone was busy but two of my friends said they are happy to help after  classes if you still need help." she replies smiling.  "Um what time does their class end?" Sasha ask. 'HMM about 2:30" Summer replies as she tries to get the tape off her acrylic nails. "The cake should be ready by then, do you think they'll be able to pick it up?" I ask her.  "Yeah sure i'll text them." Summer replies to me getting her phone out.



"Summer just texted me to pick up the cake after class." Seth whispers to me. "Dude why are we going to do favors for strangers? When we weren't even invited to the party ?" I whispered back to him. "Your right we shouldn't even do it." Seth whispers back to me about to text Summer. "Wait we should say we're only gonna do it if we can come." I tell him and he starts typing. "Hey idiots the professor is eyeing you guys put your phone away and shut up." Our classmate Naomi whispered shouted to us. "Whatever." I tell her and turn around. "Okay I sent it." Seth whispers to me and puts his phone away.



Finally the boys arrive and we speed up the decorating pace. Except for Summer whos to busy getting hit on by Mike. "Mike you're a cute guy but I have a boyfriend." Summer tells Mike and walks over to Renee. "Oh come on just give me a chance." He calls after her. "Poor guy can't stand rejection." Randy tells me  coming out from the back with a box of snacks. "Haha yeah." I say smiling at him. "Hey um Renee my friends said that they'll only bring the cake if their invited." Summer gives Renee an awkward smile. "Just crash the party." Kevin speaks rolling his eyes. "Whatever they can come." Renee responds.  "Alright looks like we're pretty much done." Charlotte tells all of us looking around the house. "Alright we can all leave and get ready for the party." Renee tells everyone. As soon as she says that the door opens causing everyone to turn around. "Hey you guys cleaned up pretty nice." Renee's HOT brother Adam tells us looking around his house. Did I also mention he's HOT? "See told you I know how to plan a party." Renee gives us a cocky smirk but Charlotte and Sasha are to busy drooling over Adam causing Renee to roll her eyes. "Hey Adam!" I say going to shake his hand but he brings me into a hug. "Hey babes how's it going?." Adam ask all of us. "Oh you know." I say but Charlotte and Sasha talk at the same time, but say two totally different things. "haha cute." He tells us and moves to dump fist with Summer. "Hey Blondie." "Hey dufus." Summer responds back to him and Adam just waves at the guys and goes upstairs. "Party starts at 8 don't forget!" Renee shouts to Adam. "Yup!" "Okay guys see you here at 8" Renee tells the boys and they leave. "So can I bring some friends?" Summer asks Renee. "Sure." Renee responds. "Alright I'll see you guys at 8" Summer smiles at us and turns around to leave. "Okay so you guys have your stuff in my car do you guys wanna get ready here?" Renee ask us. "You trust me to get undressed in the same place where your brother is?" Sasha ask Renee looking up to Adams room. "Yeah on second thought." Renee says about to grab her bag when Charlotte blocks her. "Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her." Charlotte tells Renee. "Okay okay." Renee replies. "Hey Renee the boys with the cake are here." Summer opens the door again.  "Well tell them to bring it in." Renee tells Summer and motions for the guys to come in. "Woah this place is huge must cost 2mil." The guy with a ponytail says looking around the place. "Oh no." Renee says out loud looking at a brunette. "Wow looks like we meet again babe." The guy tells Renee giving her a smirk.

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