Kissing behind the bleachers

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Game Day Bitches!!! Dean scream as the soccer team starts leaving the locker game. "Dean calm down its our first game ever and your already pump?" Finn ask laughing at deans excitement. "Yeah what if we lose?" Seth ask Dean while tying his cleats. "Come on fellas were gonna kick some bobcat butt." Dean says out loud.  "you know if it weren't for you convincing us to join soccer I would of never joined." Tyler points at finn admitting the truth. "You know what will happen if I mess up this beautiful face?" Tyler puts his hair in a ponytail.  "Hey, I just asked if anybody wanted to play they were doing tryouts and i know I wasn't the only one willing to play." Finn defends himself. "Wait, so you guys joined for him but not when i asked you months before finn?" Dean ask his friends surprised. "The truth is no one wants to play with you dean." Seth says. "And whys is that?" Dean asked annoyed. "Because whenever we lose you blame it on everyone else dude." Tyler rolls his eyes thinking of all their high school games. "Well maybe you should get your head in the game." Dean mimics back tyler's face. 


Bobcats Bus

Mike starts the chant making the rest of the team chant along.



Randy pats Mike to sit down . "Dude your super energetic are you?" Randy ask the excited Mike. "Due so far we've won all our games, Then this ones the 5th and will get recognized by scouts!!" Mike replies counting on his fingers.  "Yo Kevin whens the tournament?" Mike turns around to ask Kevin while Kevin busy talking to someone else. "It's in 3 weeks." He replies and goes back to his conversation. "What ever you know we have to wait to see who the coach benches." Randy tells Mike. "As long as he doesnt bench me will make some goals." Roman comments sitting on the seat across Randy and Mike. "Aye Roman knows." Mike comments making Randy roll his eyes.


"Alright charlotte will meet you there." Renee says as she hangs up her phone. The girls are on their way to the game."I still can't believe you let Sasha drive us somewhere." Bayley tells Charlotte while looking at the road. "Um i'm the most responsible out of the 3 of us." Sasha looks at bayley threw the car mirror. "Whatever if it's not me driving i'm not comfortable." Renee rolls her eyes at Sasha causing her to make a funny face. "ahh this is my favorite song!" Sasha says turning up the volume as Lion Heart from Girls Generation starts playing. "What is this?" Renee ask Sasha. 'Its called K-pop get with it." Sasha looks at Renee with a stern face. "Just give me the aux cord." Renee yanks the cord away from Sasha. "Give it back bitch!" Sasha responds while yanking it back. "Renee let the girl listen to what she wants! Sasha keep your eyes on the road." Bayley yells at the girls taking the role of mom. "So much for the responsible one." Renee tells Sasha before giving her the aux back. "Um shut up and check if i'm going the right way gps." Sasha tells Renee."Yess were almost their." Renee rolls her eyes.


"wheres Lana? I thought you said she was gonna save us a seat?" Summer ask Paige as the make their way to the bleachers. ''Ught that dumb broad is probably off somewhere chasing guys." Paige rolls her eyes at the thought. "Hey let's sit next to Nikki." Summer ask Paige and she nods her head. '' Hey Nikki mind if we sit here?" Paige ask Nikki as they approach her. 'Not at all sit here." Nikki tells the girls as she pats the spot next to her. "Did you come to cheer for Dolph?" Summer ask Nikki as she sits down. "Yup he said he would would meet me up before the game but I don't see him anywhere." Nikki tells them.  "Oh girl that's strange. Summer tells her as the 3 of them look over at the team practicing before the game. "Ahh don't worry you know Dolph he's a perfectionist hes probably testing off his cleats somewhere secretively." Paige tries to cheer Nikki up.


Charlotte,Renee,Bayley,Sasha, and Becky

Charlotte and Becky finally arrive at the University and try to look for the rest at the spot they said they where. "Hey there they are." Becky points at the group and they follow. "finally." Renee tells them with sas. "Sorry queen Renee." Charlotte puts her hands up. "so why where you guys late?" Renee ask them not taking her eyes off both of them. "We don't got to explain nothin." Becky points her finger deep in Renee's tummy. "Come on guys the day is sunny lets just go and cheer on the boys." Bayley motions her hands to the entrance of the game and they start walking. "Can we buy some snacks the game hasn't even started." Becky ask Charlotte and Renee. "Sure whatever the game hasn't even started." Renee tells her and they start walking. "eww is this how their team preps for their games?" Charlotte ask making a stank face as they pass a couple making out under the bleachers. "Ugh hope not." Renee tells her back in disgust.


" I don't mean to sound like a bitch but could one of you guys get me a water? I would go but I wouldn't want Dolph to come and  get mad at me for not waiting for him." Nikki ask one the girls. "Sure i'll go." Summer stands up. "Oh ill go with you." Paige tells her as they get up and leave. " Ugh I wonder where Dolph is?" Summer ask Paige as their ears away from Nikki. "ugh to me it sounds like shes whipped on him." Paige says rolling her eyes. "Well that's negative." Summer teases her. "I mean it's all cute but as long if its for some one loves you too." Paige tells summer. "Well i think- GAsp." Summer interrupts herself as she halts md walking. "What?" Paige ask Summer checking her body for any bugs. "Don't make it obvious but turn around." Summer tells her as paige turns around and gasp. "I TOLD YOU DONT MAKE IT OBVIOUS!" Summer whisper shouts and turns Paige around. "Bitch wtf what are we gonna tell Nikki?" Paige ask Summer walking away from the line. "Umm i don't think she should tell her we should just act as if we never saw anything." Summer tells paige. "ugh fine just cuz I dont want to cause Drama." Paige rolls her eyes and they go back to their seats.

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