Game Day

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Renee's POV

"Attention fans the game starts in 1 minute" "Well looks like we better get going." Charlotte tells us after the speakers tells us the news. "Um can you guys help me with all this food?" Becky mentions to all the food that's about to fall out her hands. "haha well you wanted all that." I tell Becky laughing. "aww man.'' Becky says and we start going to the bleachers. "Where do you think visitors seats are?" Bayley ask us as we enter. "I think its over here." Sasha points to the big banner that says visitors. "Wow thanks we could never see that." I mention and we sit front row.


Paige's POV

"Well the game started but where's dolph?" Nikkin ask us. "Ahh there he is. Oh look at him his hairs all messed up." Nikki answers her own question making me and Summer look at each other. "Hey guys you found us seats!" Lana cheers as she gets to the game. "Shut up Lana no thanks to you!" Summer tells Lana. "Aww don't be mean to her Summer she just made it late." Nikki tells Summer defending Lana. "Guys lets just cheer for the boys." I say changing the topic. "Your right" Summer says taking out her pink pom pom. "Oh my god your too much." I say laughing at Summer. "Oh whatever you know you love me!" Summer cheers at me.

Later on the game...

Yellow Card!!! "Oh come on he fell on purpose!!" Randy yells at the reff. "Ah!" Dean yells as he's on the ground. "Come on mad calm down." Kevin tells Randy as he pulls him away. "Uh come on dean you better not be faking this!" Seth whisper shouts at dean giving him a hand to pick him up." "Yeah dude don't mess us up." Finn tells Dean. "Don't worry guys I got his." Dean tells them brushing dirt off himself.

Renee's POV

''Ugh come on! He did that on purpose." I yell while watching the reff give Randy a yellow card. "Ugh what the hell." Becky says. "Hopefully Randy doesn't get angry he really need to calm himself down." Bayler says worried. "Yeah one more outburst and hell go to anger management." Charlotte comments back. "ugh who even was that pussy who fe-" I stop myself mid sentence when I see who it is. "Ugh mn not him!" "Woah! look everyone it's Renne's man!" Charlotte teases and the rest of the girls start laughing.


Paige's POV

"Woooo" we all cheer as Finn makes a goal causing us to win the game.  "Well looks like someone's having celebratory sex!" Summer tells us looking at me causing me to smile and roll my eyes. "ugh we don't do that." I say laughing embarrassed. " But we should all go out to celebrate." Lana says. "You don't have a boyfriend that plays soccer." Summer tells Lana. "Maybe later they'll have a party." I pat Lana on the shoulder. " Come on Girls lets go wait for the guys." I tell them and we walk to the cars.


Renee's POV

"Ugh man I bet the boys are upset." Sasha tells us as we leave the bleachers. "Ugh no good for those stupid Lions." I say rolling my eyes. "Come on let's see if they wanna go out." Charlotte tells us and we walk to the boys at the field. "Hey guys you guys alright?" Bayley ask as we get close to them. "I swear to you that reff had it in for us!" Randy says mentioning as he got two yellow cards. "Calm down Randy." Mike tells him. "But yeah the ref clearly had favoritism." Mike looks at the other team. "Oh look there coming." Randy says pissed off. "Don't worry I got this." I say as I step towards Dean. "Princess don't tell me you go out with one of these losers?" Dean ask me looking over at my team. "No there my friends and there nt losers you just got lucky." I tell him crossing my arms. "Oh come on babe you know you wanna be with a winner." Dean tells me putting his arm around my neck. "Hey Renee is this dude bothering you?" Randy ask. "no its fine." I yell back. "Look come to a party were having over at campus for our victory. It will be fun." He tells me. "No thanks." I say rolling my eyes. "Come on dean lets go!" I hear one of Deans friends call for him. "alright that's my cue later princess." He winks at me. "Later losers." Dean yells at the team and leaves. "Ugh i'm not really fond of your boyfriend." Charlotte tells me. "He's not my boyfriend!" I yell at her.


Deans POV

"Dean what are you doing don't try to get kicked out the team." Seth tells me worried. "Aww dont worry its just a little fun." I tell him patting his back. "Whatever just don't get in any trouble with other teams." Seth finishes and we go to the rest of the team. "So where's the party tonight?" Tyler ask. "Why don't we do it at John's Frat house?" I Suggest for the team. "Let's do it at mine!" And with that were off.


Paiges POV

"You had to be that rude to her?" I ask Summer as where on our way to the boys. "Come on she kissed the girls boyfriend that what I can morally do." Summer defends herself to me. "ugh whatever let's just try not to make it obvious." I say "Make what obvious?" Finn says as he and Tyler walk up behind us. "Nothing girl stuff you wouldnt understand." Summer come up with a random excuse."There probably right." Tyler says and grabs Summer by her waist and kisses her. "So do you wanna go to the party?" I ask finn as he hugs me. "I'm not really in the party mood. But if you wanna go I don't wanna be the reason for you not to have fun." Finn tells me. "Okay but it wont be the same without you." I kiss him and leave with Summer and Tyler to the party.

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