special event

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Bayleys POV

"If bayley wins this point we win the whole game!'' Sasha whispers to Renee excitedly. "Go bayley!" Becky cheers bayley on. As i turn around i see the ball come rushing to my face and- *BANG* You know that feeling you get when you jolt in your sleep? Well that just happened and the water bottle from the girl behind me just fell down. I guess my head fell back and knocked it out. ... "Sorry sorry I think i've must of fell asleep." After 30 seconds of me just staring at her I finally start apologizing. Shit this is so embarrassing. I haven't been sleeping good for the past days! 



"Hey babe guess what I got plan for us this thursday." My baby kiss me as I walk into her house.  "What?" I ask her.  "Well I know this isn't really my cup of tea but im doing this for you." She says as she pulls out two tickets and hands them to me. "Woah no way!" I say in excitement to see my favorite author is doing a book signing about his book. "Babe you don't know how much this means to me." I say and pick her up and kiss her.



"Okay so what was so important?" Bayley ask as Sasha sits bayley down. "Where throwing Becky a surprise party." Sasha raises her hands with joy. "Oh when and where? Do tell." Bayley ask interested. "Well it's gonna be at Renee's brothers house." Charlotte tells her. "You mean his bachelor pad." Bayley says and she and Sasha giggle causing me to roll my eyes. "So it's at my house and the date well obviously her birthday duh." I tell them. "Okay does Becky have classes on her birthday?" Bayley ask Charlotte who would know out of all of us. "Yes but she doesnt the day after so she party pretty hard." Charlotte answers smiling. "Lit now who are we inviting." Sasha taps her chin. 



Sorry short chapter I got carried away with other stuff but the next chapter will be better I promise. 

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