Chapter - 1

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I was bored and wanted something to do, so this was made.... sorry this chapter is so short. There will be longer ones in the future! Some situations that are in the game will be changed, but the whole story should take place like the game hopefully. I hope you enjoy..!

I was awoken to the sound of someone bashing against my door, "whaaaatttt da hell." I said getting up and tripping over my cat.

"Sorry Fluffy!!" I said walking down the stairs and finally getting to the door. I open it.

"Hey (Y/n)... Mind if we come in for a moment-..." Hank said slightly slurring.

"Em sure Lieutenant." I said fully opening the door to let him and his android friend in, "who are you?" I asked a little nerved by how late it somewhat was.

"I'm Connor. The android sent by CyberLife. I was looki-.." "Cut it!" Hank said sitting down and groaning.

"Lieutenant we must head to the crime scene now since we have everyone." Connor said walking over to Hank.

"We do?" I said somewhat confused about the whole situation.

"Yes, a homicide. Involving a CyberLife android."

"Let me get dressed and we can go. I suppose..." I said heading up my stairs and into my bedroom. I quickly changed into black jeans and a white button up. Grabbing my coat along the way, "Ready."

"Oh boy here we go.." Hank said getting up and heading to my door Connor following. I grabbed my keys and wallet before walking out... Connor turned and looked at me.

"What..?" I said, "something on my face?!"

"No- nothing." He said and turned walking towards Hanks car which I followed. Opening the back door and getting in.

"Drinking again Hank?" I said concerned seeing the leftover beer that was in his car.

"Don't look at me! He bought it for me." He said pointing to Connor that just looked back at him.

"There was no other way I was getting you out of that bar. I had no choice, but to buy you another Lieutenant."

"Hmm sure..." Hank said backing out of my driveway, "let's just get to the damn case alright..?"

'Part of a Machine..?' // Detroit:Become Human \\Where stories live. Discover now