Chapter One

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Sage's Pov
Ash was someone that never really crossed my mind at times, if I can get technically speaking I haven't thought about her for years because she almost was like a vague memory.

I remember her being around so much when me and her younger sister Katlyn were still only sophomores in our high school year.

I vaguely remember some of the little things about her the way she smiled or laughed or when she would tease Katlyn and me while we stayed at there house studying and doing projects while she smoked.

Ash use to always be on my mind because I use to think she was so pretty.  She reminded me of a boy and that's why I use to be so shy around her. But never once while still growing up did Ash Stones cross my mind.

The last thought I ever had of her was when I was sixteen she was twenty-one at the time and the memory still seems to fade in and out.

But today for the first time in a long while my old friend Katlyn wanted me to pay a visit and it's been a while.

After graduation, we all went our separate ways with our own individual lives.

I still was the once shy and very socially awkward girl just like I was when I was sixteen while Katlyn always was the wild child between us.

She would throw parties and get shit for it by Ash, she would sneak me out my house to go to the lodge is what we liked to call it, it was full of people alike who were outcast like us.

And the truth could be told I missed her straightening out the skinny jeans I awkwardly made a small turn in the full body mirror tugging at my jacket and moved my braids to move out my face arranging my glasses a bit.

Awkward girl, yes indeed, twenty-two year old awkward...yes indeed as well.

Shifting my eyes around I spotted Katyln almost immediately she always stood out to me because she never really could change.

By the time we both turned eighteen she already had seven tattoos and by the looks of it with a few years ahead she added way more and it suited her amazingly actually.

Looking up from the milkshake she drank she beamed fast and quickly hopped up rushing to me and I was quick to wrap her in a deep hug smiling.

"Oh my gosh, Sage." She beamed and I chuckled gazing at her.

"Katlyn look at you." I gushed holding her face and she smiled at me still hugging me as our lives depended on it.

We got a lot of strange and bizarre looks but we lived in a small town almost everyone knew each other to say the least.

Katlyn was beaming with excitement as she pulled me over to the small little booth and I sat across from her.

"Oh my gosh look at you Sage I can hardly recognize you, you've grown so beautifully." She complimented me making me, of course, turn into a shy bubble again.

"I can say the same for you look at your tattoos," I exclaimed shocked leaning my hand over to trace them and she smiled watching me.

"I always did say I wanted a lot of tats growing up." She joked making me chuckle nodding pulling my hair away from my face and she squeezed my cheeks.

"God I forgot how adorable you are Ash is gonna freak." I heard her mumble and then it was my turn to look at her super confused.

"What?" I quickly called confused laced all across my face and she quickly blinked gazing at me.

"Shit, you just reminded me of what I was gonna ask you." She called out lightly banging her fist on the table.

I watched her closely as she bit at her lower lip "so since it's been forever Sage I wanted to hang out with you, but I also wanted to tell you what's happening." She first started off.

I knew as soon she started talking she was gonna start ranting so I caught hints of little bits of what she explaining.

"And so Ash is back and-" I quickly caught her off as soon as she spoke her sister name I felt the small drop of my stomach.

She nodded gazing at me deeply "yeah so ummm Ash is back and we all haven't seen her for a while, she kinda has been going through a lot.... so I suggested that we all take like a trip up to our dad's cabin." She explained.

I looked at her wide eyes, Ash... I haven't seen her in such a long time, like a long time like in years the last time I saw her she had kissed me...

But then the next thing I knew she was moving away with her long-term girlfriend I really never trusted after that.

"I see that you all wanna go to the cabin we haven't been up there since we were kids but what does that have to do with me?" I asked curiously but also a little amused laced in my tone.

She gave me a small look smiling and I looked at her as well and quickly took note.

"No way Katlyn, no way in hell I am coming with! Do you know how long it's been since I've seen her as well as ever one of her little friends." I exclaimed before quickly getting quiet seeing as people were looking over at us.

Katlyn quickly shhh me as she clamped her hand over my mouth.

"Sage, Ash doesn't even know that I am inviting you because I want it to be a surprise, she thinks I don't notice but she keeps asking about you." She explained.

I looked at her blinking "the trip is gonna be for the whole year because the cabin is all ours, and Sage I know she wants to see you, can you this once please not be socially awkward and come along." She pleaded to me.

I gazed at her and saw that she was really pleading and really wanted me to go chewing on my lower lip hard I sighed defeated and locked eyes with her before slowly nodded.

"Okay, fine Katlyn... I'll come with."

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