Chapter Three

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Sage's Pov
The night before I knew it was slowly going by, I slowly grew comfort with all the girls after everyone settled down. I slowly learned not to be too quiet as everyone would ask me questions getting curious but I believe it's because slowly everyone was tipsy after a few beers here and there.

I sat on the hardwood floor by the fireplace, the fire lit greatly flickering across the room warming up everything. I had pulled all my hair up into a huge bun on my head and I had my attention on everything else but what was happening around me.

I flicked my gaze up watching as Bella came downstairs after changing into her pjs and everyone erupted in loud laughter at the sight of her onesie.

"Oh hush it was a Christmas present last year!" She yelled over all the laughter and I giggled raising the beer bottle to my lips taking a sip.

"Who the hell gave you that?" Amber gasps out laughing harder once Bella sat down.

"My boyfriend did." She whines and I smiled as Ash licked her inner cheek still keeping her arm around Liz's waist as she scrolled through her phone almost like she was bored.

"Ah you can't talk at all remember that stupid outfit that Jasmine and her boyfriend wore."

"Dear lord I said don't bring that up!" Jasmine exclaimed throwing a marshmallow at Bella who managed to catch it in her mouth.

I chuckled just watching everyone kinda in my own space and thoughts. I jolted as Katlyn made her way over to me and plopped her way into my lap.

I snorted out a loud laugh sliding my arm around her to steady her as she leaned back.
"What about you Sage anyone in your life?" Amber called out and I set the bottle down humming a bit and shook my head.

"Not really no, I don't like people enough to start dating." I joked and Ann let a small giggle out at that Katlyn smacked me on my arm and I gave her a look.

"What it's true!" I laughed and she just gave me a look.

"That's not entirely true now hush." She mumbled flicking my nose and I chuckled scrunching my nose up, swaying her a bit all the while she munched on marshmallows.

"So no one?" Ash called curious like still feeling her gaze on me and I firmly nodded pushing my glasses back on my face.

"Yep, no one." I called keeping my eyes trained on her as she nodded back as well.

"But when I'm older I'm gonna have lots of babies." Bella chimed as she sat down right on Jasmine who smacked her lightly on the face amused.

"Liz you have been anti-social since you got here," Ash called out as she smacked her on the thigh a bit. Liz looked up briefly from her phone letting a small squeak out as she playfully smacked Ash back.

"I just don't know what to say." She defended and when I glanced around I saw Jasmine holding back an eye roll which made me curious.

"Alright marshmallow heads up." I joked patting her on the thigh and she looked at me her mouth stuffed and I chuckled. "Gonna get another drink," I called out and she got up allowing me to get up.

I collected my empty bottles heading to the kitten tossing the empty bottles in the trash and stretched out a bit grabbing another one and lifted myself up to sit on the counter. The heat was radiating all over me from sitting by the fire too long and I needed a break from all the questions and loud gossip.

Gripping onto the counter edge, I blinked as soon as I saw someone else had gotten up making me release a small chuckle out looking at her.

"You know I remember back when you were around fifteen you use to be awkward." Ash chuckled out as she came over to dig in the fridge.

"And as I remember you were loud and outgoing." I joked hearing her laugh as she flicked her gaze up at me.

"I see it still hasn't changed but I can greatly tell you've matured." She pointed out she briefly leaned against the counter watching me closely.

"I'm still the shy awkward girl Ash you know that." I chuckled as she smiled still watching me closely.

"It's really good to see you, Sage, I haven't seen you in such a long time that so much happiness ran through my body, all these nostalgic memories came back." She explained.

I smiled lightly still trying to ignore the fast rate of my heart beat remembering to tell to myself that she had a girlfriend and I kept repeating that over and over to help me.

"I was afraid to come along but you know Katlyn she's stubborn." I giggled and Ash rolled her eyes playfully nodding.

"As stubborn as can be she wouldn't tell me who the hell else was coming she said the last one coming was a surprise and yes it was a surprise." She said happily.

I giggled again and smiled drinking a little more and set the bottle down and gave Ash another huge hug which she returned deeply resting her head on top of my head.

I felt her rubbing my back a bit on the another hand with my extreme shyness I always remembered how close me and Ash were. She would always cook me food, cuddle and even on purpose hug me close to her whenever we were out in public aside from all these strange mix messages from her we still never ever dated.

We had maybe a few accidental kisses and a few times were things almost went all the way but it never happened and I know it never will. I was so relaxed in the place I was in and I knew Ash was too but we were gonna have to get up.

"Alright come on Ash." I chuckled but she just grumbled childlike and pulled me closer and I laughed softly and hopped down from the counter watching Ash pouted hard.

"Come on," I whined and she grumbled again before leaning off the counter and we both went out back to the living room.

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