Chapter Ten

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Sage's Pov
Tension that's all you could say was laced between the girls. Of course no one could truly enjoy their time when you had Liz snapping at everyone blaming them for her own faults in her relationship. You had me who was just giddy about being in a relationship for the first time. If we weren't inside me and Ash found ourselves just wandering endlessly almost like an innocence could be found.

We had gotten lost I would have took a guess four times, almost ran down by a huge mama bear and slightly down a dirt path. Ash despised nature yet she seemed to be having a blast with our daily adventures.

"See we've passed this tree like I'm gonna guess five times how about we mark it baby? so when we visit again we know it's where out love started." A quick shake of my head was delivered her way in amusement, before digging through my bag handing over the little pocket knife which she took happily stepping around me. I peered around her with interest watching her crave out a loopy looking heart focused like.

"This is chessey you know that Ash." I stated through my light giggles. She was very focused on the task at hand, flicking her eyes left and right over the details.

"Well you better get use to it. I'm a cheesy kinda lover, and done whatcha think?" She stepped back sliding her arm to loop around my shoulder gently, glancing down at me. I leaned my body forward for a second to trace one finger over the craved S+A with  a chuckle before turning back to face her.

"I think you are a dork and that we are gonna get lost again. I love it." Her own grin grew before she dropped the knife to lift me up by my thighs hoisting me up on her waist causing me to yelp out a light chuckle holding onto her, staring down into her eyes.

"I adore you... And your goofy smile. When I'm with you it's like everything could disappear Sage." I grew a little timid at the thought her eyes were intense the way she was gazing at me slightly twirling us around in place.

"You really are good with your words aren't you." I all but muttered cupping lightly at her chin. She slightly tilted her head up as if she was thinking. I just think it caused her to laugh some more.

"More or less."

By the time the sun was hitting behind the woods Ash and I rushed back to the cabin after our late winter adventures. Half way through our journey I had gotten sleepy and pitched a piggy back ride half sleep on her shoulder, feeling her hands lifting me up each time on her back. I found my eyes fluttering at the sight of the cabin coming into sight finding myself in my half sleep state muttering to Ash.

"Hey Ash Babe?" A quiet hum was my response to my tone, hearing her heading up the flight of stairs grabbing the key to unlock the front door.

"Back home, what do you do like work wise?" She hummed a few steady times flicking her eyes up as she pushed in and open the door with a chuckle.

"I own my own fashion brand. Remember I'm all about clothes." She teased setting me down into the hard wood floor with a grunt leaving me to shut the front door.

"We are back!" Ash announced out stuffing the key back into her back pockets I found my hands grabbing at her hips tracing at her lower back tattoo my fingertips relaxing at the sight of the ink hearing her hiss at the cold sensation before she pecked at my cheek tossing me in a quick hug.

"Ash come help cook." She sighed heavy at the sound of the loud laughter gathered into the kitchen turning back to face me with a look of please help me.

"Yeah I'll leave you to your cooking duties have fun baby." I cupped at both her cheeks giving her a big wide kiss, before pulling away jogging up the stairs hearing her shouting back towards the girls in the kitchen entrance.

"I'm coming shut the fuck up!" The muffled voices was all that could be heard switching from my warm clothes to a simple long sleeved shirt and sweats. I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed suddenly holding in confusion sighing as I spoke at the sight of who had entered so suddenly.

"Liz you know I don't have much to say about what happened?" I felt uncomfortable with her around me. It was nothing but just glares and annoyance from her.

"I'm just gonna talk you can listen or don't I don't care. I knew who you were the moment I saw you which also means you know about Ashley even before me you know about her habits." I stared at Liz with my own flicker of emotions before speaking.

"Of course she made mistakes anyone close to her knows about that." A sudden laugh left the female, watching the way she pinched at her nose roughly.

"Yes her cheating and using girls was common mistakes, so was her drinking I'm just saying Sage. You have her congratulations the only question is, can you keep her? Or will she just go back to old ways." I opened my mouth to speak before I found myself lost for sudden words. She lifted her eyebrow into my direction as if she was waiting before she nodded clicking her tongue before muttering a small that's what I was expecting before leaving me to the thought.

Is that even a possibility?

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