Chapter Six

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Sage's  Pov
"Shit." I whispered quietly to myself, looking through my suitcases a bit trailing my eyes all through them. Chewing harshly at my fingernails.

"What's the matter?" Ash questioned moving her gaze away from her phone, to stare at my back. The sun went down night fall had risen and I was gonna curse myself for letting Katlyn pack all my sleep clothes at my house.

It all looked like clothes for sex, see though panties and outfits. I didn't even know I had so much of it to begin with.

I quickly shut my suitcases hoping she didn't notice.  "Nothing." I gave her a quick giggle standing up rubbing at the back of my neck roughly.  "I need to borrow some sleep clothes from Katlyn. " I mumbled shyly shifting around.

Ash slowly sat up with a small groan, rubbing at her hair.  "You can borrow one of my shirts." She offered me to me. I grew butterflies in my stomach at the thought of wearing one her shirts with her scent all over.

"No it's okay Ash." I squeaked but she just laughed getting up going to her suitcase digging in it deeply.

  "Sage I insist now hush it, you use to let me always take care of you." She whined digging around through all her clothes chewing at her lips.

"Okay, okay." I whined back watching her pull out a t-shirt and she got out handing them to me, kissing my forehead.

I chuckled quietly and quickly as possible I stripped down leaving me in my panties slipping the shirt off crawling into the bed with Ash laying on my side, grabbing my book, already hearing the loud voices from the girls in their rooms.

I was hit with Ash's natural scent with a slight hint of cigarette smoke. "Try not to stay up too late, yeah beautiful? You promised to hike up the trail with me." She chuckled lighting up a cigarette right on cue placing it between her lips watching me.

"I won't, I'll be asleep before you notice." I chuckled moving my braids away watching her tucking her hair away.

"Alright I'll believe you." She responded blowing out a stream of smoke chuckling moving closer laying her head on my shoulder cuddling into me.

I slowly ran my fingers through her watching as her body fully relaxed, and her shoulders snaked down with ease.  "Sage. " I peeked down at her a bit watching as she played with the shirt I wore.

"Yeah." I answered back.

"I really did miss you. " She whispered again her eyes not opening yet again.

It made me smile a bit more. I continued running my fingers through her hair pressing a small kiss to her forehead.

"I really missed you too Ash."

"Hey sleepy bedhead, hey wake up Sage." I scrunched my entire face up very quickly feeling the heavy weight of sleep pressed against my eyes lids.

I slowly for a minute opened them feeling I had fallen asleep with my glasses on, and heavy arms were thrown around my waist, and locked into place.

I blinked quite a few to adjust to the sunlight looking to see a grinning and quite pleased looking Katlyn who was giggling.

I looked to the dresser to see it was 5:00 am.

"Why are you up so early." I whispered wanting to whine so badly but was careful to not wake up Ash. Her head was resting on my neck and I could feel her laight snores and breathing.

It felt kinda right in its own very way. "I actually was suppose to wake up Ash, and I did for like a minute before she told me to fuck off and fell back asleep." Katlyn laughed softly making me chuckle rubbing at my cheeks a bit.

"Sounds like her." I whispered back.

"I'm shipping this without a care in the world, if my sister is gonna end up dating my best friend, I'm all in. " She giggled and I shushed her fast mentally whining to make sure she wasn't getting to loud.

"She's with Liz." I whispered back to her.

"So she's not happy, everyone can tell Liz keeps whining about it, but shuts up every time Jasmine says something, happened all night." Katlyn explained quietly.

I rubbed at the bridge of my nose taking in the new information.  "That's Ash's shirt isn't it." Katlyn chuckled as she poked my stomach. "You're suppose to wear the sexy ones." She whined and I facepalmed her with my palm.

"I hate you. " I hissed full of complete shyness.

"You love me." She whispered back grinning and I played shoved her with my foot making her laugh quietly.

I felt Ash shift a little and we both got quiet for a moment watching her move her head to stay in place and she fell back into a deeper sleep. "This girl I swear." Katlyn mumbled laughing standing up.

"I'll leave you two alone, don't sleep too long. " She whispered one last time before she made her way out the room.

I laid my head back on the pillows and blinked looking up at the ceiling before shutting my eyes again to rest them, listening to Ash's even  breathing that slowly made me fall right back to sleep.

All the way into an ease and peaceful sleep, feeling safe and protected in Ash's arms and grip I needed it just as much as she did.

Ash (Romance) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon