Chapter Four

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Ash's Pov
While everyone else fell fast asleep in a blink of an eye, I decided to stay up because for one I have Insomnia, two I can't sleep at night when the anxiety and thoughts stay up at night. It's a really bad cycle to have but I felt a bit at ease after spending time with Sage, she always has had this peaceful aura that surrounds her as well as a beautiful smile that could make you just as happy when seeing it.

Something she always has had. The morning had finally rolled around and it was about time for us to head out to the cabin, oh what fun it was gonna be I thought.

I held the end of the cigarette to my lips inhaling the smoke letting it blow out as I sat on the couch reading one by one everyone waking up at their own pace.

"It's fucking freezing." Katlyn exclaimed as she rushed into the kitchen.  I breathed a small chuckle out  shaking my head.

"You're barely wearing any clothes, can see why." I chimed.

"Fuck you." She whined and I laughed a little more at that continuing to smoke and read as she rambled on and on. I was half listening most of the time because each time she brought up a new topic someone else was waking up and wide awake.

Making their way all around getting dressed and what not Liz was around the second to last one to wake up.

"Where's Sage?" Jasmine called out curious, I pulled my hair back a bit flicking my eyes between everyone who was either half sleep or half awake.

"She's still sleeping, she was having nightmares." Katlyn called sitting on her suit case. I peeked at her curious like and set my book to the side lifting myself up off the couch next to Liz tugging my hoodie down a bit.

"I'll go wake her up." I called over all the chatter messing with my hair more.

"Baby you don't have to." Liz called grabbing my arm a bit I looked at her confused as I chuckled.

"I remember those nightmares cause she had them when she was younger Liz I'm gonna wake her up." I said yet again.  I kissed her on the head one more time before pulling away making my way upstairs all the loud chatter muffled once I was away.

I made it to Katlyn's room opening the door seeing Sage fast asleep. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.  She still sleeps with her glasses on, a bad cute habit I thought to myself I carefully stepped over the mess.

Katlyn called her room and gently shook Sage up the best I could.  "Hey Sage sweetie you gotta wake up." I whispered her face scrunched up still even more and before I knew it her beautiful round brown eyes were open I cracked a smile.

"Hey there." I joked she groaned a little as she rolled over a little keeping her eyes on me.

"Do we have to leave?" She mumbled quietly and I slowly nodded.

"In a hour or so yeah, you should go shower and get dressed cause remember the water up there is always cold." I joked watching her whine rubbing at her face.

She sat up and I backed up a bit to give her a little space as she kept mumbling to herself as I watched her.  I couldn't help the smile that stayed on my face God she was so cute, and amazing what hell was I thinking back in the past? 

Sage's Pov
If I really wanted to I most likely could sleep the whole day if I wanted to. I was so freaking tired last night because I barely slept.

I kept waking up from having dumb nightmares that would make me stay up, and to make matters way worse. I had sleep paralysis which freaks me out even more its a good amazing way to fuck up someones sleep pattern at night.

I snuggled up into my hoodie a bit leaning on the small lamp post outside half sleep as I watch everyone argue about who sits with who in both cars.

I was a very short girl so I don't really take up that much room usually.

"Liz you already are riding in the second car with Jasmine Bella and Ann." Ash called out leaning on the door frame of the car were Katlyn was playing with her keys.

Amber was already in the car with her stuff settled in but Liz wanted to make a big deal about not being able to ride with Ash.

"I wanna ride with you." She whined out and yet again Katlyn rolled her eyes.

"Liz as much as I love the lovefest, we really need to get going you'll see her in less than a few hours so chop chop." Katlyn exclaimed.

I bit my lip to stop my laugh from escaping as she threw fit.

"I'll see you in a bit." Ash told her giving her one finally kiss.  I fluttered my eyes a bit still sleepy a bit feeling my hand being grabbed and before I knew it was being pulled to the car by Ash.

"Alright come on little sleepy head you're gonna have to sit in my lap." She laughed as I blinked growing flustered at the thought holding back a squeak.

"Alright." I stammered out seeing her turn back to me with the one true smile on her face.  I couldn't help but turn into a pile of mush in and all around I thought it had all gone away I was so wrong.

Ash got into the seat first and as shy and hesitant as I was, I sat down in her lap feeling her wrap both arms around me to keep me in place so I wouldn't fall or anything this really was gonna be a long stressful trip for the next few months I thought.

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