Chapter Five

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Sage's Pov
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."

"I won again!"

"God damn it."

I smiled to myself when Ash rolled her eyes playfully tilting her head back to rest on the black leather seat, a playful sigh leaving her. Amber was keeping slightly quiet.

Well Amber was in the passenger seat chatting with Katyln as she drove, and Amber was fast asleep with me and Ash her headphones in.

Of course I was beyond shy because Ash had one of her arms resting around my waist the whole entire ride, even when I fell asleep halfway through laying on her chest. After a while when I had woken up to her telling me about my sleep talking.

We decided for the remaining hour of driving to play the classic game of rock, paper and scissors.

"You know I'm letting you win right." She grinned up at me, lightly pushing my glasses back up across the bridge of my nose making me laugh quietly, as I let her hand go, pulling my phone out, shifting a bit.

"It's not really letting me win when you keep throwing rock." I mumbled playfully resting my head on her shoulder. I felt her chin rest ontop of my head a bit, her intense gaze watching my phone screen when I brought up YouTube.

I knew getting service way all the way out here in the woods was gonna be hard, but it wasn't impossible at all.  "Whatever cutie, just to see you smile is worth it." She mumbled her beautiful chuckles left her making me extremely flustered but I wasn't one to complain.

Maybe all in all, this little trip would bring me and her closer. The thought alone made my heart start racing very deeply, and very hard feeling her nuzzle my head a little.

"Alright I'm really tired and not in the mood, I wanna sleep, pick your roommate, and the rooms, five bedrooms, here are all the keys." Katyln announced setting them all down on the table.

I sleepily rubbed under my glasses at my eyes, watching as everyone sleepily mumbled and sat around the table on the cold wooden floor.

Ash was sleepily leaning on her hand, her palm resting against her cheek. She spoke first picking up one the keys mumbling out.

"I call sharing a room with Sage." She announced holding back yawn. I squeaked quietly when everyone including Katlyn looked surprised.

Liz let a loud exclaim out looking at her, shooting me a small glare. Ash didn't notice everyone was staring at her till she lifted her head back up, and she looked between everyone in confusion.

"Problem?" She questioned briefly rubbing the back of her head.

"Don't you usually share a room with Liz?" Bella questioned looking to Liz who was fuming red all over.

"Yes, but I haven't seen Sage in years,I  wanna spend time with her, is that a problem." Ash repeated looking at everyone with a hard stare.

"It's just different that's all."  Ann quickly stammered out.

Ash looked to be growing very irritated at the girls slowly overlapping talking and Liz's loud complains.

The only one who looked beyond happy and was grinning was Katyln who was whispering to me to go for it.

"Sage?" Ash said loudly quickly making everyone go quiet, and snapped their gazes to me.

"Y-yes?" I stammered out slowly sitting up straight.

"Do you have a problem sharing a room with me?" She asked lifting an eyebrow at me. I gulped a little feeling Liz deeply glaring at me from the side, but that didn't stop me from my honest answer.

"No." I whispered gently but just loud enough for her to hear it. She gave me a gentle reassuring smile before she stood up.

"There problem solved, let's go Sage." She called out slowly holding out her hands helping me up to my feet which I thanked her quietly.

"Baby can we talk." Liz quickly snapped out in a hard tone.

"Liz leave them alone please, it's been a long day, everyone just wants to sleep." Jasmine quickly snapped out at Liz giving her almost a warning look which Liz returned but her eyes shifted to a nervous jittery feeling.

"Let's go. " Ash mumbled to me, I felt her lace her hand with mine pulling me up the long flight of stairs.

She was mumbling to herself looking at the room key to the cabin before she turned to me. "You remember the rooms have queen size beds only,and I hope you don't mind sharing a bed with me." She joked chuckling shaking her.

I let a small laugh out shaking my head.  "Oh no I really don't mind Ash." I told her flustered seeing her smile to herself before she unlocked the door letting me in first which I took a few steps in looking around a bit.

It was a little cold but it would soon warm up with fires and blankets. God these rooms are beautiful I thought going over to look out the window getting an amazing view of the woods.

Ash fell into the bed with a loud push of air and sighs, starting to unbutton her white shirt a bit. "God I'm sorry you saw me get upset, just sometimes my friends can get a little overwhelmed and annoying." She mumbled her head slowly resting on a pillow of the edge of the bed.

"Ashley you don't have to say sorry okay, it's perfectly normal to get upset like that okay." I told her sternly flicking my gaze back to look out the window, holding my arms a bit.

I was so lost in my thoughts that when I looked back to see what Ash was doing. I saw she was watching me intensely her focus not on the details of the room but me, and she had this beautiful little smile twitch motor her lips. Oh lord I was fucked.

Room set up
Katyln has a room all to herself

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